Reasons your trademark gets objected

Top Reasons trademark gets objected

Trademarks are essential assets for any business, as they provide legal protection for the brand’s unique identity, including its name, logo, and slogan. In India, the trademark registration process involves applying for the Registrar of Trademarks, who examines it for compliance with the relevant laws and regulations.

While most trademark applications are accepted without issue, there are instances where the Registrar of Trademarks may object to the application. This can occur if there is a conflict with an existing trademark, or if the application is incomplete or does not meet the legal requirements for registration.

To avoid objections and ensure a smooth registration process, it is crucial to thoroughly search for existing trademarks and ensure the application is complete and accurate. In the event of an objection, it is important to respond promptly and provide any necessary information or documentation to support the application.

With the right preparation and attention to detail, businesses can successfully register their trademarks and protect their brand identity for years to come.

Table of Content:
1. What is trademark objection
2. Here are the Reasons for Trademark to Get Objected
3. Conclusion
4. FAQs

What is Trademark Objection?

Trademark objection refers to a legal challenge or objection raised by the trademark registrar against a trademark application filed by an individual or a company. When a trademark application is submitted, the Registrar of Trademarks examines it to ensure that it complies with the relevant laws and regulations.

If the Registrar finds any issues with the application, such as similarity to an existing trademark, lack of distinctiveness, or violation of any other trademark laws or regulations, they can object to the application. The objection notice will outline the specific issues with the application and provide an opportunity for the applicant to respond with additional information or evidence to support their application.

If the objection is not properly addressed, the trademark application can be refused, and the applicant may have to file an appeal or submit a new application. It is essential to respond promptly and adequately to any trademark objections to ensure a smooth registration process and protect the brand’s identity.

Here are the Reasons for Trademark to Get Objected

A trademark application can be objected to for several reasons. Some of the common reasons for trademark objection include:

  1. Similarity to an existing trademark: If the proposed trademark is similar or identical to an existing registered trademark in the same or similar class of goods or services, the Registrar may object to the application.
  1. Lack of distinctiveness: If the trademark is too generic, descriptive, or common, the Registrar may object to it, as it may not be distinctive enough to identify the applicant’s goods or services.
  1. Violation of trademark laws: If the trademark application violates any other trademark laws or regulations, such as being deceptive, scandalous, or offensive, the Registrar may object to it.
  2. Incorrect or incomplete application: If the application is incomplete, contains errors or inconsistencies, or fails to meet the formal requirements for trademark registration, the Registrar may object to it.
  1. Non-use of the trademark: If the applicant has not used the trademark for a specific period, the Registrar may object to the application on the grounds of non-use.


In conclusion, trademark objections can pose a challenge for businesses seeking to register their trademarks. However, by understanding the common reasons for objections and taking steps to address them, applicants can increase their chances of success. Conducting a thorough search for existing trademarks, ensuring the application is complete and accurate, and responding promptly and adequately to any objections can help businesses protect their brand identity and enjoy the legal benefits of trademark registration.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]

1. How do you avoid Trademark objection?

Ans. To avoid trademark objections, it is important to conduct a thorough search for existing trademarks, ensure the application is complete and accurate, and meets all legal requirements for registration. Additionally, applicants should ensure that their trademark is distinctive and does not violate any other trademark laws or regulations. Responding promptly and adequately to any objections raised by the Registrar of Trademarks is also crucial to avoid delays or rejection of the trademark application.

2. What is the time limit for trademark objection reply?

Ans. The duration of applying to trademark objection is 30 days from the date of receipt of notice.

3. What is the fees for Trademark objection?

Ans. 1. There is no government fee for trademark objection.

          2. Professional fee for trademark objection is ₹1500/-.

4. Can we sell a trademark?

Ans. Yes, trademarks are considered as intellectual property assets and can be bought and sold like any other property. When a trademark is sold, it is typically done through a legal agreement between the parties involved, known as a trademark assignment agreement.