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5 Reasons to Register Your Trademark in India – Professional Utilities

In your daily lives, you all come across trademarks, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Consider what comes to mind when we say the word “apple.” You’d certainly remember the apple logo before the actual meaning of the word (Apple: the fruit).

This is referred to as brand recognition. Let me share some additional examples where, despite their brand name, the trademark is the key identification of their brand. Are you more likely to think of a tick sign or the actual meaning of the term Nike, which is the winged goddess of triumph, if you are asked the name, Nike?

These are just a few examples to show you how important a trademark is for any firm out there.

Trademark is a sign that will help you to distinguish the products/services made by your company from others. All the famous companies around the globe have some specific trademarks of their own. A trademark can be a word, name, symbol, or slogan. By trademarking your brand, you are now assured of your life that no one else will ever try to copy your logo or trademark in the future. In case anyone does that, the laws of the country will safeguard you.

Top 5 Reasons to Consider For Registering a Trademark

The positive impact that a trademark can bring to your startup/business is exceptionally high. We can also see the benefits of registering a trademark. Now, without wasting any time further let’s get started with the benefits of registering a trademark.

  1. Brand Recognition
  2. Legal Protection
  3. Positive Repute Among Employees
  4. Monetary Benefits
  5. Brand Value

1. Brand Recognition

All of the examples mentioned above are adequate to demonstrate the importance of public brand recognition. One of the most important aspects of any company’s growth is brand recognition. The ability of people to recognize a given brand by its qualities or logo over another is referred to as brand recognition. In advertising and marketing, the notion of brand recognition is used. When individuals know a brand through visual or auditory trademark such as logos, name, sound rather than being formally exposed to a company’s name, it is deemed successful.

2. Legal Protection

It is critical to ensure that your company is adequately safeguarded from the competition. Unauthorized parties that use your trademark without permission can harm your brand, reputation, and business, but they are frequently in a poor legal position and can be easily stopped from doing so. By registering your trademark, you effectively create a barrier to entry around your brand, making it more difficult for competitors to copy it.

3. Positive Repute Among Employees

A trademark demonstrates a company’s or business’s commitment to growth and expansion. A trademark unofficially declares a company’s aim to rule the market, which is essential in today’s competitive environment. Trademark creates a positive image among the general public when having a trademark. This attracts individuals to work for and with them in some way. You already know how much value a good employer can add to your company or business.

4. Monetary Benefits

Money is very much relatable to a business. That’s why we have put it into our one of the reasons for registering a Trademark. Directly you will not be going to save money by registering your trademark, but there is a long-term benefit if you register your trademark. Let us explain how. If you register your trademark now, you can help yourself from any upcoming legal riots related to your trademark in the future. You not only save your money but most importantly your time will also be saved.

5. Brand Value

The value of your trademark can very well be paid off in cases of company evaluation. However, no one starts any business with the intention of handing it over to someone. But this is one added benefit that a trademark could bring you and it is worth mentioning. A trademark can very well be added to the estimation of your brand value at the time of company evaluation. If you have a reputed name and logo then it can be added to the estimation of your company/business evaluation.

Any business whether a startup or established must register their trademark in order to protect themself from any legal conflict in the future. 

Startups generally spend a lot of money, time, and resources in building a successful business.

How would you react if you come to know that your company’s name cannot be further used by you?

Won’t it be shocking?

So to prevent any of these types of clashes, we suggest you understand the process of trademark registration and get it registered as soon as possible with Professional Utilities.

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