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Updated on July 08, 2024 10:41:18 AM

Importance of Private Limited Company Registration

A private limited company is a widely used type of company registration in India and abroad. A private limited company registration has various importance such as separate entity from its members, limited liability, perpetual existence, fund raising, tax benefits, Ownership control.

Before registering your private limited company, it is better to know the importance of a private limited company in India. To register to your Private limited company, just fill up the contact form to connect with our team.

Importance of Private Limited Company Registration

A private limited company is a type of business entity that is privately owned and limited by shares. Here are some of the benefits of a private limited company:

1.Limited liability

The liability of the shareholders is limited to the amount of their investment in the company. This means that their personal assets are protected in the event of the company's failure. In case of the company liquidation or financial failure the personal assets of the company will not be used.

2.Separate legal entity

A private limited company is a separate legal entity from its owners, which means that it can own assets, enter into contracts, and sue or be sued in its own name. A company owns all its assets in its own name and not in the name of its owners.

3.Perpetual existence

A private limited company has a perpetual existence, meaning that it can continue to exist even if the original shareholders sell their shares or pass away. The members may come and go but the company may go on forever.

4.Ease of raising capital

A private limited company can raise capital by issuing shares to investors. This makes it easier to raise funds compared to other business structures. A registered business as a private limited company makes it easier for the company to raise funds from private investors. It is easier for a private limited company to raise funds.

5.Tax benefits

Private limited companies may be eligible for certain tax benefits, such as lower corporate tax rates and the ability to claim certain deductions and allowances. A private limited company enjoys various tax benefits as compared to other company types.

6.Credibility and perception

A private limited company may be perceived as more credible and professional compared to other business structures. This can help attract customers, investors, and business partners. A registered private limited company provides stability and credibility in the eyes of various stakeholders.

7.Ownership control

The owners of a private limited company have greater control over the management and direction of the business compared to other business structures. The shares of a private limited company are not publicly traded, therefore complete ownership is exercised by the shareholders of the company.


As concluding words, it must be asserted that a private limited company enjoys multiple benefits and has much more importance than any other business type. Therefore most of the business owners and startup founders prefer a private limited company while registering a business in India.

If you are planning to start your own company, then Professional Utilities is the one stop destination for all your needs of incorporating a Private Limited Company in India.

FAQs on Importance of Private Limited Company

What is the importance of Pvt Ltd company?

The most significant advantage of a private limited company is that it has separate legal identity, perpetual existence, limited liability etc.

What is the benefit of making a Pvt Ltd company?

The Benefits of making a Pvt Ltd company are:

  • No Minimum Paid-up Capital
  • Separate Legal Entity
  • Limited Liability of Members
  • Fundraising is easy
  • Perpetual Existence
  • Access to Foreign Direct Investment(FDI)
  • Easy Transfer of Shares.
Who is the owner of a private limited company?

The shareholders are the owner of a private limited company. Maximum number of shareholders can be 200 members in a Private limited company.

Can one person start a Pvt Ltd company?

No, one person cannot start a Pvt Ltd company. A private limited company must have at least 2 shareholders, all the shares of a private limited company cannot be held by a single person.

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