Legal Metrology Meaning, Various Acts & Rules

A Comprehensive Guide to LMPC Act & Various Rules

Legal Metrology deals in weighing and measuring instruments as well as units of weight and measuring, methods of measuring, and weighing. To have a static standard of weight and measures The Legal Metrology Rules established the Standard of Weight and Measurement Act in 1976 and 1985. With the advancement of the technology standard set of legal metrology, acts were passed in 2011 and 2013. 

The Legal Metrology Rules include rules that are crucial for guaranteeing the maintenance of all required compliance measures to make sure that customers are safe from fraudulent practices and encourage fair trade for business merchants, retailers, producers, and packagers. The Department of Food, Consumer Affairs, and Public Distribution covers the Department of Legal Metrology.


Table of content

  • What is Legal Metrology?

  • What are Various acts under Legal Metrology?

  • Conclusion

  • Frequently Asked Questions


What is Legal Metrology?

Legal metrology is defined as an area of metrology that deals with weight and measurement units, methods, and equipment with the mandatory technical and legal requirements that are intended to ensure the public's assurance of the security and accuracy of the weights and measurements. 

What are the Various rules under Legal Metrology?

  • Legal Metrology Deed 2009  - This legal Metrology deed sets standards for measures and weights. Legal Metrology. It even balances the trades of calculators and measuring and weighing equipment as well as the trades of the commodities sold.

  • Legal Metrology (General) Rules, 2011 - The measuring devices and weighing are examined regularly by the personnel of the state government with Standard Weights and Measures and the process outlined in the Rules. The application form is filled with information such as name, name of commodity, address of premises, and requisite fee. It includes 40 different types of measuring devices and weighing like fuel pumps, electronic weighing instruments, water metres, clinical thermometers, sphygmomanometers, etc. 

  • The Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011 - Under the Legal Metrology Act certain declarations are made mandatory in standard numbers or quantities. It has made labelling requirements mandatory and regulates the pre-packaged commodities in India. There is a certain mandatory declaration that has been made on every package or pre-packaged as mentioned below - 

    • Address and Name of the Packer/Manufacturer/Importer 

    • In case of the imported packages country of origin.

    • A generic name or common name of the goods in the package.

    • Net quantity 

    • Month and year of import/pack/ manufacturer.

    • Inclusive of all the taxes MRP or Maximum Retail Price.

    • Detail of Customer Care.

  • Legal Metrology (Approval of Modes) Rules 2011 - Under the Legal Metrology Act 2009 rules that are made by the Central Government are defined as the number of Standard measures and the way affirmation and other particulars appear on the pre-packed goods.

  • Legal Metrology (National Standard) Rules 2011 -  National Standard includes custody, maintenance of national standards of weight and measures, national prototypes, custody, national prototypes, the custody and maintenance of prototype standards, etc. The Working Standard Weights and Measures, which are utilised for the verification of any Weights and Measures used by merchants and manufacturers for transaction and protection purposes, are available at the district level. The Secondary Standard Weights and Measures confirm the Working Standard Weights and Measures.

  • Legal Metrology (Numeration) Rules 2011 - This is the provision that is made on how numeration is made and how it should be written.

  • Indian Institute of Legal Metrology - The Indian Institute of Legal Metrology was established in Ranchi to provide training in Legal Metrology of the Legal Metrology officers of UTs/Officers of states/Union of India in the department of administrative control. Under these rules courses are imparted at the institute, giving details about the qualification of a person to be eligible for admission.

  • The Legal Metrology (Government Approved Test Centre) Rules, 2013 -  For the approval of GATCs formed by private individuals for the verification of some weights and measures, in addition to the verification carried out by State Government Officers, the Government Approved Test Centre (GATC) Rules are framed. Different types of measures and weights that need GATC verified are (1) Non-automatic weighing instrument of Accuracy Class-IIII/ Class-III (up to 150kg), (2)  Water metre (3) Tape Measures (4) Load cell (5) Counter Machine (6) CAutomatic Rail Weighbridges, (7) Sphygmomanometer (8)  Automatic Rail Weighbridges etc. 



Legal Metrology involves legal requirements and mandatory techniques to ensure accuracy in measurement and weighing for public security. The Applicability of the provision of legal metrology is packer or importer, trader, manufacturer, Wholesaler, retailer, or trader of everything including weight, measure, and/or numbers.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Define Legal metrology

Legal Metrology is defined as the application of legal requirements to measurements and measuring instruments to ensure public guarantee from the point of view of security and accuracy of the weights and measurements.

What is the importance of Legal Metrology?

The importance of Legal Metrology is It is in charge of monitoring the import and trade of weighing and measuring instruments in India.

How long is the LMPC certificate valid?

LMPC Certificate is valid for one to five years.

What are exemptions under LMPC?

Under LMPC there are certain exemptions such as

  • The commodity has a net weight or measure of 10 grams or 10 millilitres or less.
  • Maximum retail price and net quantity shall be declared on packages containing 10g to 20g or 10 to 20.
  • More than 50kg of agricultural products.
  • They were packed by hotels and Restaurants with any package containing fast food.

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