Pitch Deck

Updated on July 08, 2024 10:41:31 AM

All you want to know about Pitch deck

Pitch Deck is the presentation of a company or idea to any number of audiences, mainly audience. It is a way to make a presentation to explain the business fast at the business event to get the party interested and make them invest in a project or start-up idea but not close the deal.

Pitch Deck is a blend of accurate market and competitor analysis, precise-concise-updated information, Good Design, viable growth metrics, aesthetically pleasing slides, and a vision worth investing into.

Less than 1% of entrepreneurs get approval while others are left behind in getting the investment. By putting your best foot forward while meeting the investors make sure that you make a detailed yet easy-to-understand presentation that is called Pitch Deck.

What is a Startup Pitch Deck?

A pitch deck is a communication tool that is first used by entrepreneurs to convey their idea to potential investors either through email or in person. A pitch deck is a presentation to convince the investors

It is a sales pitch for the investor by the startup in which they make them understand the potential of the business. A pitch deck is an elaborate as well as concise presentation of the company, its product and services, and competitor analysis.

Start up presentation has the most vital part that is the Pitch deck.

The objective of the pitch deck

The main objective is to set up a next meeting with the potential investor and make him available for the next meeting.

The first objective of the pitch deck is to convey the goal and strength of the startup concisely. It is a summary of the business vision, plan, and goals while trying not to overload the party with a lot of information. Its purpose is to convince the investor in an easy-to-understand way about the product or the company of its potential success.

The second Purpose of the Pitch Deck is to follow and convince investors to invest in the project by informing them about the team, idea, and projected chances for growth. It should be an attractive and precise presentation to potential investors of the project.

The third objective of the pitch deck is to provide a reason to trust the startup by showing its viability and worth of investing. Its goal is to convey ideas about your business easily and quickly to gain the trust of the prospective investor.

Benefit of the Pitch Deck

Pitch deck adds value to the startup and also increases its credibility. It is a substitute for shortage of funds and helps in building confidence of the investors. There are many other benefits as mentioned below -

  • Pitch Deck is created with full information about the product which helps in getting funds. Products can be marketed well with the help of the Pitch Deck which also increases sales of the product.
  • With Pitch Deck clear, precious and concise message is developed which form the basic of the various marketing material for conveying message of what is best about the product
  • Pitch Deck defines the roadmap of the business.
  • Pitch deck creates clarity in the mind of the customer.
  • Small business plans can be created with a pitch deck well - organised framework.

Different types of pitch deck

There are two types of the pitch deck which are mentioned as below -

  • Email Presentation - This presentation is made through email so this needs to have more information and should have more information because presentation is viewed by the investor themselves
  • In- Person Presentation - In this presentation more information is given out loud, it should include more visual elements to retain investors engagement and focus.

How to create a pitch deck?

  • Research - First when somebody thinks about the pitch deck is doing research, it is to research and identify different chances. It is believed that if a company has done its research they are already ahead of the competition. The person should collect information from the company about the following things -
    • Product and services investor deals in.
    • Identification of Competitors
    • Office location
    • Related products and services
    • Identification of the decision maker or company head
    • Size of the team
  • Introduction - At this stage, you tell about why you are here and who you are. That is a quick introduction to the business. You also tell about the important value-added viewpoint about business
  • Address the Problem and the Solution - Analyze and provide an outline of the industry landscape, the position of your company, and your company's competitive edge. Showing various loopholes of the industries and how your company will be able to fill them. All this helps in giving the reason for the existence of your business without which the need for products and services cannot be exhibited to the investor.
    This step in making the pitch deck tells about the problem and how you can give a solution to that problem. For a better understanding of the problem and solution, you can use different slides. You can also use visual elements or different data to explain your ideas better.
  • Describe your approach - It is a stage of traction. After mentioning the prospective problem, different solutions available, and revealing yourself then comes the turn of solution. At this step focus on important goals, growth, and information about the business. How the agency runs, what are the different processes, the relationship between different departments, and other important information? Explain the different marketing strategies which will be used by the company during the different stages.
  • Product Description - Show off your intriguing product and services. In this step exhibit product pictures and product descriptions. Do not falsify the features of the product. Mention them only if they are verified and present in the product.
  • Introduce your team - Introduce the team to emphasize human interaction. Explain their knowledge, expertise, and skills as they are a very important part of the organization in adding value. Give information about their background and job roles.
  • Mention financial and investment figures - While pitching for the investment explaining in detail about the current investment, availability, and use of the funds, financial figure and projection of the growth is very important for the investors. Important points that need to be mentioned on the site about the financials are
    • Headcount
    • Income Statement / P&L (Revenue, Cost of Goods Sold / Cost of Sales, Gross Profit, Operating Expenses, EBITDA)
    • One or two key metrics (KPIs)
    • Cash Position
  • How to get in touch - A very important step in the pitch deck is contact information to convert your endorsement or offer into an investment. Provide your website, email, phone number, and digital and media presence.

Tips to write Pitch Deck

It is very important to know how to structure the pitch deck. It should be well organized and edited.

  • Simple and clear - slides should be simple, easy to read, clean, and visually engaging. The text should be put where it is needed to avoid distraction from the pitch.
  • Opening Sheet - Whether opening slides is informal or formal They should engage the viewer immediately and should be attention-grabbing. Opening Sheet needs to have striking visuals or statistics.
  • Table of content - It is good to have an outline to have a sense of direction and narrative. It gives an idea about what‘s to come.
  • About us - While telling about us you give information about the agency’s USP and brief information about its capabilities and achievements.
  • StandOut - To give energy to the presentation pitch should be impassioned and unique. To encourage investors to present the originality and authenticity of organization work by including pictures, videos, and design.
  • Case Study - A case study needs to be included in the presentation. Include at least one try to include two.
  • Contact information - At the end of the presentation key points of the presentation need to be added which act as a reference. A verbal summary is important.

Length of the pitch deck

The ideal length of the pitch deck should be from 15-19 pages, not more than 19 pages. Too long presentations can be time-consuming and boring for investors. It should not be too worldly but presented in bullet points.Facts and market statistics mentioned in the pitch deck should be up to date.

Pitch deck examples

Here are some examples of the pitch deck which help to get an understanding of what a pitch deck is. People who have achieved what you want to achieve will be beneficial to get their help.

Facebook used quotes to attract attention and smart graphics and a minimum colour scheme for a better understanding of their data

Airbnb has also used minimum text and large amounts of information. Design was kept simple and clean which made the deck simple to read and understand. Illustrative and Graph design give context to the financial summaries


The pitch deck is a very important sales tool that needs to be designed beautifully. Investor Pitch Deck should be concise, clear, and short giving the right information about the agency.

The perfect pitch should also give more information about the scope or specialism of the agencies despite how it can solve the problem. The pitch will be more attractive and engaging if agencies know more about the prospective clients and their industries and they will be able to make trailer-made solutions.

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