How to Export Class 1 Explosives Dangerous Goods

Updated on March 05, 2025 06:08:50 PM

The export of Class 1 explosives is a procedure that requires extensive preparation and adherence to the provisions of the law. The explosives have to be sorted and each of them has to be identified properly; additionally one has to write descriptive information about every single explosive as well as safety precautions while handling them. Some of the important documentations, which are necessary to undergo customs clearance are Export Declaration Form and other paperwork. In order to maintain safety while transporting explosives or products that need packaging which could likely explode, it is important to conform to international regulations, the IATA or IMDG Code, for example. Importers also have certain rules and regulations that they have to follow as per the country they import from and the same applies to the exporters who have to inform their authorities of the import.

What are Class 1 Explosives?

Class 1 encompasses hazardous quantities of explosives, products and substances which can be dangerous especially when exploded. This class depends on two types of hazards, the type of the explosive material and the type of hazard which results in dividing this class into 6 classes.

An important parameter of referring to the class 1 as explosives is that its handling, storage as well as transportation is bound by strict provisions due to its highly sensitive nature with potential risks of causing a massive loss of life as well as property.

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Procedure to export Class 1 Explosives Dangerous Goods

The procedure for exporting Class 1 explosives in India is governed by the Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO) under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry:

Step 1: Obtain a License

Make sure that you have the necessary permit before exporting explosives since it is prohibited by the Explosives Act of 1884 and the Explosive Rules of 2008.

Step 2: Application Submission

Applicants must use the online PESO application system at ( to apply.

Step 3: Documentation

These docs include registration of the company, identity evidence, safety and security measures to be taken, NOC from the local municipal body.

Step 4: Security Clearance

It is vital to further secure the clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs as a security aspect. Besides, it will ensure that the exporter as well as the shipment pose no security threat in this respect.

Step 5: Inspection and Approval

PESO checks the shipment and the facility to ensure that all the protective measures are in place.

Step 6: Customs Clearance

Once you have the PESO license, apply for customs clearance as soon as possible.

Step 7: Shipping

Ensure that all legal requirements of handling and transporting hazardous products across the international borders are complied with and engaged with the shipping firms in order to find ways of avoiding any dangers.

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Documents Required to export Class 1 Explosives Dangerous Goods

Here is a detailed list of the documents typically required for exporting Class 1 explosives:

  1. Explosives License
  2. Customs Declaration
  3. Purchase Order/Contract
  4. Dangerous Goods Declaration (DGD)
  5. Export License
  6. Transportation Documents (e.g., shipping bill, airway bill, bill of lading)
  7. Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
  8. Insurance Certificate
  9. Export Packing List
  10. Certificate of Origin
  11. Export Declaration Form
  12. Permits and Certificates (as required by importing/transit countries)
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Fee Charges to export Class 1 Explosives Dangerous Goods

The Professional fees to export class 1 explosives dangerous goods is ₹99,999

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Exporters of Class 1 explosives are the Exporters conforming and obeying legal requirements under the Explosives Act and rules and Petroleum & Explosives Safety Organization (PESO). The processes include; filing of licenses and other documents required, security clearance from the Ministry of Home affairs, inspection of site and explosives and approval from the customs office. Exporters also must adhere to the Exporting country laws and international laws and safety codes regulation, whether it is IATA or IMDG Code and notify the related authorities. Exporters must also make certain that he or she complies with the laws of the Exporting country in addition to the laws of other countries, for instance the IATA or IMDG Code that regulates the safety of transportation and inform their authorities. The documents include Explosives license, Custom declaration, Purchase order/contract, Dangerous goods declaration, Export license and Documents of transportation, Safety data sheet, Insurance certificate, Export packing list, Dangerous goods declaration and shipment, Certificate of origin, Export declaration form, Certificates and permits.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the process for exporting Class 1 explosives from India?

While exporting Class 1 explosives there are few essential requirements that must be followed, these are the application for the export permit and authorization from the competent authority, the handling of Class 1 explosives require certain safety measures, the packing of Class 1 explosives must be according to specified norms and lastly to get the exporting formalities related with customs completed.

Which authorities regulate the export of Class 1 explosives from India?

The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion of Commerce and Industry, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), the Petroleum explosives safety Organization (PESO) and the customs officers are some of the agencies that regulate export of Class 1 explosives from India.

What licenses or permits are required for exporting Class 1 explosives from India?

Products and components which are classified as explosives must be exported and shipped with a PESO Explosives License. In addition, to get involved in import or export, one needs to possess an Import-Export Code which is issued by the Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT). The legal systems in the country of destination may also require compliance with other necessary approvals and licenses.

What safety precautions should be taken when exporting Class 1 explosives?

Export safety begins with the kind of explosives being transported because Class 1 explosives are not toys. Employees that deal with explosives must be qualified and those handling or transporting explosives must complete a training program that complies with regulatory specifications that pertain to safety equipment of transport vehicles used in such operations. Also the exporter must follow International Safety standards.

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