Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Medical Devices Manufacturing

Updated on March 06, 2025 01:44:53 PM

The Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Medical Devices is a policy to make India a manufacturing destination for medical devices. Started under the government’s Made in India initiative, the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices Manufacturing aims at reducing the import dependency in key and high value Medical Devices and generate increased activity and innovations in the independent Medical Devices industry. The PLI Scheme for Medical Devices has calibrated incentives depending upon the investment and incremental sales to foster high value, encourage the medical devices value chain and provide employment in India. Being primarily centered on manufacturing of segments such as cancer diagnosis and treatment, imaging diagnostic, orthopedic implants and more, the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices Manufacturing enhances the nation’s capacity for healthcare technology requirement within the domestic market as well as export.

What is the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices?

The Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Medical Devices is a scheme by the Government of India to boost large volume manufacturing within the medical devices manufacturing sector. The PLI Scheme for Medical Devices Manufacturing targets the manufacturers and provides their financial motives and bonuses concerning those appropriations that help the companies to develop their production capabilities and import beneficial products to the local market. The primary intention of the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices is to provide a boost to the domestic industry, decrease import dependency, and generate large amounts of investment in the complete value chain of MDs. Through this way, the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices Manufacturing seeks to raise the status of medical devices in the Indian economy and place India in the global map of health care products producers.

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Benefits of PLI Scheme for Medical Devices

The PLI Scheme for Medical Devices Manufacturing offers numerous advantages to manufacturers and the medical devices sector in India, including:

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Eligibility Criteria of PLI Scheme for Medical Devices

To qualify for financial incentives under the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices Manufacturing, companies must meet the following eligibility criteria:

Eligibility Threshold Criteria

An applicant is required to meet all the threshold conditions to be eligible for disbursement of the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices Manufacturing and the eligibility threshold criteria is tabulated below.

Segment Incentive Rate (on Incremental Sales of Manufactured Goods) Threshold Minimum Investment Threshold Minimum Incremental Sales of Manufactured Goods
All four segments of medical devices as mentioned in above table Year 1: 5%
Year 2: 5%
Year 3: 5%
Year 4: 5%
Year 5: 5%
Rs 180 Crore over 3 Years Cumulative Minimum (Crore):
Year 1: 60
Year 2: 120
Year 3: 180

Incremental Sales (Crore):
Year 1: Rs 120 Crore
Year 2: Rs 240 Crore
Year 3: Rs 360 Crore
Year 4: Rs 460 Crore
Year 5: Rs 560 Crore
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Approval and Disbursement Process for PLI Scheme for Medical Devices

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Additional Information for PLI Scheme for Medical Devices

Listed below are some of the additional information on the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices Manufacturing that should be noted by the applicants.

  • Application Window: The application window for receiving the applications shall be 120 days.
  • Financial Outlay: Total financial outlay of the Scheme is Rs. 3,420 crore.
  • Incentive Per Company: The incentive per company will be applicable on incremental sales of manufactured goods over Base Year subject to ceilings as decided by the Empowered Committee.

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The Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Medical Devices Manufacturing is a prominent policy by the Government of India to improve the Indian manufacturing ecosystem for medical devices. With these features the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices is planned to decrease import dependence, attract significant investments and develop employment, using financial motivations and support of local production. Focused well on the strategic medical device segments, the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices Manufacturing strengthens the industry and boosts India’s place in the global healthcare market. With these benefits promoting innovation and enhancing the sector infrastructure, the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices initiative could now serve a significant role in the enhancement of the Indian medical device industry, and better health care provision to the citizens.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices Manufacturing?

The Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Medical Devices Manufacturing aims to increase domestic manufacture of medical devices, reduce dependency on imports and build up the domestic industry.

What are the goals of the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices?

The primary goals of the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices include encouraging the production of capital goods, achieving self-sufficiency in high value medical devices, attracting investments, employment generation and improving export capacity in the global healthcare systems.

What are the benefits of the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices?

The benefits of PLI Scheme for Medical Devices include the attraction of investments, development of domestic industry, the creation of employment, improvements in infrastructure, and contribution to the growth of the market in the medical devices industry.

Who is eligible to apply for the PLI Scheme for Medical Devices?

Indian manufacturing companies having operations in the identified target sectors are eligible for tax incentives provided they satisfy investment and stepped up sales turnover conditions for each of the years.

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