Bihar State Pollution Control Board (BSPCB)

Updated on March 22, 2025 03:34:38 PM

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act led to the establishment of the Bihar State Pollution Control Board (BSPCB) in 1974. This board was established after the aforementioned Act was passed in compliance with Article 252 Clause I of the Indian Constitution. this board was established. when it was first passed, the Water Act of 1974 applied to all twelve states and union territories and one of them was Bihar. Two laws, The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981 and the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1974 were passed in order to prevent and control water pollution. In order to implement the Act's objective, the Central and State Pollution Control Boards were founded.

What is Bihar State Pollution Control Board?

The Bihar State Pollution Control Committee (BSPCB) is an authorized organization working under the Department of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of Bihar. It is responsible for implementing environmental laws and standards to check pollution in the state. BSPCB regularly measures, analyzes and supervises air, water & soil monitoring data, grants PCC (pollution Control Consent) to establish and operate industries. It ensures compliance to environmental norms & standards It also provides and implements environmental awareness programs and also offers policy advice to the government on environmental issues. BSPCB operates under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, promoting sustainable development.

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Objectives of the Bihar State Pollution Control Board

The Bihar State Pollution Control Board aims to achieve the following:

  • To safeguard and improve the environment.
  • To monitor air and water pollution levels in the state and to keep a record of the same.
  • To implement uniform and workable environment standards that the industries can accept to remove the inconsistency and ambiguity in relation to environmental laws.
  • To aim at establishing policies in the state to preserve and restore the quality of the environment.
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Functions of the Bihar State Pollution Control Board

The main functions of the Bihar State Pollution Control Board are:

  • To collect and disseminate information related to pollution control
  • To plan programmes for the prevention and control of pollution in Bihar
  • To give timely advice to the Bihar state government on matters of pollution in the state
  • Conduct and participate in R&D regarding to water pollution in the state
  • To collaborate with the CPCB in organizing training and awareness programmes
  • To lay down standards of sewage and trade effluents
  • To lay down standards of treatment sewage and trade effluents
  • Inspecting the treatment plant and their review for the purpose
  • To develop economic and reliable methods of effluent treatment and also to develop strategies for disposing of sewage and trade wastewater
  • Make suitable orders related to the prevention and control of the discharge of effluent into streams or concerning the construction of systems for their disposal
  • Inform the state government on the location of the industry
  • To establish effluent standards that anyone responsible for sewage or sludge discharge must adhere to.
  • To recognize and establish the laboratories for the analysis of the discharge of effluent
  • To perform other functions as prescribed by the CPCB and the state government
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Procedure to get Consent Certificate from BSPCB

The BSPCB Procedure means the processes required for getting approvals, permits or licenses from the Bihar State Pollution Control Board. Here’s a step-by-step overview of the procedure:

Step 1: Prepare Required Documents

Essential documents include the application form, a copy of the registration certificate of the company, any document supporting the ownership of the land, a plan showing the layout of the site, a project report and details regarding pollution control measures to be adopted.

Step 2: Submit Application Online

To apply, the applicant has to sign up on the website of BSPCB, fill out the form for employment, and attach some documents. In this digital method, submission is easy and at the same time, the authorities are assured of clear environmental regulations.

Step 3: Site Inspection

BSPCB officials might pay a visit to the site to check for compliance during operation. They evaluate the environmental management strategies and pollution control measures before licensing their industrial activities.

Step 4: Approval

If the premises pass the required inspection and document checks, BSPCB gives its consent. When problems are discovered , the business has to make the necessary changes aimed at dealing with the environmental problems before reapply.

Step 5: Renewal and Compliance

Companies have to update their permissions at certain periods through filing new compliance reports. Compliance with the environmental standards is best sustained continually to retain legal operating authority and avert possible operational sanctions.

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Documents for Bihar State Pollution Control Board consent

The following paperwork is needed in order to submit an application for consent from the Bihar State Pollution Control Board:

  • For Consent To Establish (CTE)
  • For Consent To Operate (CTO)
  1. Plant layout map
  2. Location Map
  3. Land documents like Registered Sale Deed/Lease deed/ land Possession Certificate (LPC)
  4. List of plant and machinery, along with proposed pollution control measures.
  5. Undertaking regarding the distance of different landmarks from the unit boundary.
  6. Copy of Environmental Clearance from Competent Authority (if required).
  7. PAN card, Aadhar card, or Voter ID card
  1. PAN Card and Aadhar Card/Voter ID
  2. Copy of CTE
  3. Copy of Environmental Clearance with Compliance Report.
  4. Previous CTO (for renewal).
  5. Taking action to ensure that the previous CTE compliance and previous CTO conditions (in the prescribed format).
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What is the validity of consent as per the BPCB?

As per the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981, respectively, the first consent to operate will be accompanied by a path permit. These industrial units are required to submit applications for permission to operate through the Online Management and Monitoring System (OCMMS) along with the necessary paperwork, consent fees, and CTE and environmental clearance (if applicable). If the unit is covered by the Hazardous & Other Waste (Management, transboundary & Movement) Rules, 2016, which is required to submit an application for both. There is a fee associated with the application of hazardous waste

The following is the duration of the consent to operate granted by the Water Act of 1974 and the Air Act of 1981 to different industries and projects:

  • Red Category: 5 years
  • Orange Category: 10 years
  • Green Category: 15 years
  • The authorization is valid for five years in compliance with the Hazardous Waste Management Rules.

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    Fees Required for Consent Certificate

    Given below are the fees for obtaining consent

    Sr Details of Units according to their costs Consent to establish Fee (CTE) Consent to Operate Fee (CTO)
    1 Industrial units having investments up to 25 lakhs Rs. 5,000 Rs. 15,000
    2 Industrial units having investments up to 25 lakhs Rs. 5,000 Rs. 45,000
    3 Industrial units have an investment of more than 5 Crore but up to 10 Crore Rs. 35,000 Rs. 70,000
    4 Industrial units have an investment of more than 10 crore but up to 50 crore Rs. 75,000 Rs. 100,000
    5 Industrial units have an investment of more than 50 crore Rs. 150,000 Rs. 275,000

    Note: The aforementioned Fees is exclusive of GST.

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    BSPCB NOC application and approval procedure

    Given below is the procedure for obtaining BSPCB NOC:

    • Keep all the scanned copies of all the documents required.
    • Register yourself at the BSPCB website to get a login ID and Password.
    • Then login to the site using your ID and password.
    • Apply for BSPCB Consent to Establish (SPCB NOC) by selecting CTE from the options available.
    • Fill out the application form, upload all the necessary documents, and pay the fee online using any bank’s Credit/Debit Card/ Net Banking services.
    • Submit a form online.
    • The filled application is then inspected by the Assistant and Junior Environmental Engineer followed by a site visit if required.
    • In case there is any query raised, it is communicated to the applicant online, and a timeline is allotted to answer the query.
    • The Junior Environmental Engineer then forwards the application with his recommendations to the Member Secretary.
    • Member Secretary then forwards the application and his recommendations to the Chairmen for approval.
    • After approval of the Chairmen, BSPCB CTE/NOC gets issued by the Member Secretary.
    • The applicant must download the certificate from the website after logging in with their ID.
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    In conclusion, CPCB guidelines are established to prevent and control the pollution, and to ensure that these guidelines are followed in each state, State boards have been formed, with BSPCB being one of them. Following its obligation, BSPCB helps protect the environment by controlling and reducing pollution from industries. BSPCB also issue CTE and CTO certificates to industries, categorizing them into red, orange, green, and white categories for regulation. They provide advice to the state government on pollution prevention and control measures. So if you want to have smooth operations in Bihar, industries need to obtain clearances from BSPCB.

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    What is the BSPCB?

    Bihar State Pollution Control Board is responsible for implementing various environmental laws and regulations in Bihar. It was established in 1974 under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.

    What are the main functions of BSPCB?
    • It issues Consent to establish (CTE) and Consent to Operate (CTO) certificates to industries
    • Categorizing industries based on their pollution potential
    • Conducting inspections on industrial units
    • Providing advice to the state government on pollution control measures
    How does BSPCB categorize industries?

    BSPCB categorizes industries into four categories:

    • Red- highly polluting industries
    • Orange- moderately polluting industries
    • Green- Less polluting industries
    • White- industries have negligible pollution potential
    What are the penalties for non-compliance with BSPCB norms?

    Non-compliance with BSPCB norms can result in penalties such as:

    • Closure of the industrial unit
    • Disconnection of electricity and water supply
    • Prosecution in the court of law
    • Imposition of environmental compensation

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