Telangana State Pollution Control Board

Updated on December 26, 2024 01:48:54 PM

The Telangana State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) is a major player in maintaining environmental standards and implementing environmental legislation cutting across the entire Telangana, India. TSPCB consent and/or NOC is mandatory when you are planning to start a new business or an industry in Telangana state where industrial activity will be conducted. The TSPCB supervises and controls activities that may affect the environment in the course of development for the benefit of development without an undue effect on the environment. Getting consent, or NOC entails comprehension of the legislative requirements relative to the application paperwork and strictures outlined by the board in terms of legal and operational acceptance.

What is Telangana State Pollution Control Board?

The Telangana State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) is a statutory organization working under the Department of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Telangana State State, Govt. of Telangana State. As an agency of government, it ensures the implementation of environmental laws and standards to check pollution in the state’s environment. TSPCB regularly measures, analyzes and supervises air, water & soil monitoring data, issues PCC (pollution control consent to establish and operate), and checks conformance to environmental norms & standards by the industries. It also provides and implements environmental sensitization programs and also offers policy advice to the government on environmental issues. TSPCB operates under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, promoting sustainable development.

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Objectives of Telangana State Pollution Control Board

  • To advise the government on matters relating to water pollution prevention, control, and eradication.
  • To collect and disseminate information on water pollution prevention, control, and abatement.
  • To carry out, as well as participate in, research and investigation into issues with water pollution and the prevention or control of water pollution.
  • To create and implement a systematic plan for the state's stream and well pollution prevention, control, and mitigation
  • To collaborate with the central board to plan training for those preparing to participate in programs aimed at the prevention, control, or abatement of water pollution, as well as to organize mass education programs
  • Investigating sewer or trade effluents, works, and plants for the treatment of sewage and trade effluents, and to review plans, specifications, or other data relating to plants set up for water treatment, purification works, and sewage or trade effluent disposal systems, or in connection with the grant of any consent required by this Act.
  • Establish, modify, or repeal effluent standards for sewage and trade effluents, as well as for the reliability of receiving water (other than water in an interstate stream) resulting from effluent discharge, and classify state waters.
  • Develop cost-effective and dependable methods of sewage treatment and trade effluents, taking into account the unique soil, climate, and water resource conditions of different regions, as well as the prevailing flow properties of water in streams and wells, which make achieving even the bare minimum of dilution impossible.
  • To create techniques for using suitable trade effluents and sewage in agricultural production
  • To create effective techniques for disposing of trade and sewage effluent on land, as necessitated by the prevailing circumstances of sparse stream flows that don't offer the necessary level of dilution for most of the year
  • To recommend to the state government any industry whose operations have the potential to contaminate a well or stream.
  • To effectively perform its duties under this section, the board may establish or recognize one or more laboratories, which may be used for the analysis of water samples from any stream, well, sewage, or trade effluent.
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Procedure for acquiring consent certificate from Telangana State Pollution Control Board

The following is the procedure for getting a Consent certificate:

Step 1: Application and fee submission

The Online Consent Management and Monitoring System (OCMMS) is used to make the Consent NOC applications. The industries receive a hazardous waste authorization order and common CFO from the TSPCB. the concerned Assistant Environmental Engineer receives the application form the Regional Officer and reviews it.

Step 2: Review of application

The Regional officer shall scrutinize the application and observation of AEE and raise clarification to the industry online if the information furnished by the industry is inadequate. Simultaneously, action will be initiated to get an inspection report to avoid delay and early disposal of the application.

Step 3: Site Inspection

The inspecting officer will conduct a site inspection of the industry and conduct monitoring of stack emission, ambient air quality, and analysis of effluent samples if required. During the application process, the inspection officer will confirm that all consent requirements and instructions issued by the board are being followed.

Step 4: Grant of Certificate

The concerned officer will inspect the application on the basis of emission details, discharge details, production capacities, pollution control measures status, and environmental clearance conditions issued by MoEF/SEIAA, Telangana State (if applicable). If all relevant conditions are satisfied, consent will be given in the allotted time.

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Industries Categorization as per Telangana State Pollution Control Board

The Pollution Index (PI) of any industry sector is a number ranging from 0 to 100, with a higher value indicating a higher level of pollution load from the industrial sector.

The following are the given categories:

  • Red Category: Industrial sectors with a Pollution Index Value of 60 or higher
  • Orange Category: Industrial Sector with Pollution Index scores ranging from 41 to 59
  • Green Category: Industrial Sector with pollution Index scores ranging from 21 to 40
  • White Category: Industrial Sector having Pollution Index score up to 20
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What is Environment Clearance?

Environmental Clearance (EC) is required for the following projects under the provisions of the EIA-2006 notification under the TSPCB. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process where the unit undergoes the process of assessing the potential environmental effects of a project or development while also taking into account related socio-economic, cultural, and human health effects, both positive and negative. EIA is a tool used to evaluate a project’s potential effects on the environment, economy, and society. This is used to foresee the environmental effects of a project even in the pre-planning stage, allowing for the reduction of the negative effects.

Four stages in the Environmental Clearance process are:

  • 1st Stage : Screening
  • 2nd Stage : Scoping
  • 3rd Stage : Consultation with the General public
  • 4th Stage : Evaluation

If any Industrial Estate Complex, Export Processing Zone, Special Economic Zone, Biotech Parks, or Leather Complex with homogeneous types of industries, or those Industrial Estate with a pre-defined set of activities (not necessarily homogeneous), obtain prior environmental clearance, then individual industries, including proposed industrial housing will not be required to take the preceding environmental clearance. as long as the estates or complexes terms and conditions are followed, this is possible.

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In conclusion, CPCB guidelines are established to prevent and control the pollution, and to ensure that these guidelines are followed in each state, State boards have been formed and TSPCB is also part of it. Following its obligation, TSPCB ensures to protect the environment by controlling and preventing the pollution released by the establishments. TSPCB also issued CFE and CFO certificates to industries, they categorized the industries into red, orange, green, and white categories for regulation. They provide advice to the state government on pollution prevention and control measures. So if you want to have smooth operations, industries need to obtain clearances from TSPCB.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is TSPCB?

The Telangana State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) is established by the government of Telangana to protect the environment and prevent pollution in the state. It is in charge of managing hazardous waste as well as keeping an eye on and regulating pollution of the air, water, and land.

How TSPCB has classified its industrial activities?

The TSPCB has classified industrial industries into four categories: A, B, C, and H.

Industries classified as Category A are those that need little monitoring and have little effect on the environment.

Industries in Category B are those that need to be regularly monitored because they have an influence on the environment.

Category C are those industries that have a significant environmental impact and require frequent monitoring.

Category H are the industries that are highly polluting and require special attention from the TSPCB

What is the H-category?

One of the industry groups that the TSPCB regulates is the H-category. These industries are regarded as being extremely polluting and need special consideration.

What is the validity of the TSPCB certificate?

The TSPCB consent certificate is good for five years. If the industrial unit wants to renew the certificate, it must apply.

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