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Startup means an entity, incorporated and registered in India
An entity shall cease to be a Startup,
Certificate of Incorporation / Registration Certificate and PAN
Email ID and Mobile number
Company Details ( Industry, Sector, Category, Regd. Office Address etc)
A Brief about business and products/services and notes on innovations
Details of Authorised Representative ( Name, Designation, Mobile No. Email ID)
Directors/Partners Details ( Name, Photo, Gender, Mobile No. Email ID, Full Address)
Revenue model and Uniqueness of the Product
Website/Pitch Deck/Video/Patent ( anyone)
If you have Website
Pvt. Company/OPC/LLP Formation
Startup India Registration FIling
Pvt. Company/OPC/LLP Formation
Startup India Registration FIling
Website ( 3-4 page static site for DIPP regn.)
As per Revised Rule vide Notification dated 11th April '2018 issued by Ministry of Commerce and Industry ( Department of Industrial Planning and Promotion) -
A Startup being a Private Limited Company or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) incorporated after 1st April 2016 may, for obtaining a certificate for the purpose of section 80-IAC of the Income Tax Act, make an application in Form-I along with documents specified theirein to the Board and the Board may after calling for such documents or information and making such enquires, as it may deem fit -
i) Issue Tax Exemption Certificate.
ii) Reject the application by providing reasons.