A detailed guide to Class 37 of the trademark classification system. Trademarks must be filed or registered under specific categories, with each category representing a distinct set of goods and services. In this guide, we will explore the classification of goods that fall under Class 37 of trademarks. For a complete overview of all trademark categories, you can refer to our extensive trademark category locator. To learn more about similar classifications, visit our main page, which provides a comprehensive view of all trademark groups.
Trademark Class 37 pertains to building construction; repair; installation services.
The following services are also classified under Class 37:
Therefore, Trademark Class 37 includes mainly services rendered by contractors or subcontractors in the construction or making of permanent buildings, as well as services rendered by persons or organizations engaged in the restoration of objects to their original condition or in their preservation without altering their physical or chemical properties.
The following services must NOT be classified under Class 37: