ZED Bronze Certificate - Fees, Process , Documents

Updated on December 19, 2024 01:53:41 PM

The ZED Bronze Certificate is awarded by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in India. The certification is based on the ZED (Zero Defect Zero Effect) framework, which is a set of principles and practices that help MSMEs to improve their environmental performance, occupational health and safety, and overall sustainability. Hence ZED Certification aims at enhancing the competitiveness of an MSME through assessment, handholding, managerial and technological intervention etc.

Importance of ZED bronze Certificate

This certification is basically for MSME who are looking to improve their sustainability performance. Few points are as follows:

Zed Bronze Importance
  • Increase customer confidence: Customers are increasingly demanding that the products and services they buy are produced in a sustainable way. By achieving the Bronze ZED Certificate, MSMEs can demonstrate to their customers that they are committed to sustainability, which can lead to increased sales and market share.
  • Reduce costs: There are a number of ways that MSMEs can reduce their costs by implementing sustainable practices. For example, by reducing waste and energy consumption, MSMEs can save money on their utility bills. Additionally, by improving their occupational health and safety practices, MSMEs can reduce the number of workplace accidents, which can lead to lower insurance premiums.
  • Improve employee morale: Employees are more likely to be engaged and productive in a workplace that is committed to sustainability. By implementing sustainable practices, MSMEs can create a healthier and more productive work environment for their employees, which can lead to increased productivity and profitability.
  • Enhance brand image: Achieving the Bronze ZED Certificate can help MSMEs to enhance their brand image and attract new customers. Customers are increasingly looking for products and services that are produced in a sustainable way, and the Bronze ZED Certificate is a valuable seal of approval that can help MSMEs to stand out from the competition.
  • Access government incentives: There are a number of government incentives available to MSMEs that are committed to sustainability. For example, the Indian government offers a number of tax breaks and financial assistance programs to MSMEs that achieve the Bronze ZED Certificate.
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Documents For ZED bronze Certificate

  • Organizational policies and procedures: This includes policies and procedures related to environmental management, occupational health and safety, and sustainable business practices.
  • Records: This includes records of waste management, energy consumption, and other environmental impacts
  • Training records: This includes records of training that has been provided to employees on sustainability topics
  • Audit reports: This includes reports from previous audits, if applicable.
ZED Bronze Documents
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Process For ZED bronze certificate

The process for acquiring bronze ZED certificate are as follows:

  • Take the ZED Pledge: This is the first and initial step for acquiring a ZED bronze certificate,this is basically the commitment to all the principles of zero defect and zero effect.
  • Apply for bronze Certification: The basic documents and information of your business are to be submitted in this step and you need to pay the required fees as well.
  • Complete the desktop verification: An assessor will review all your documents and information that should meet all the requirements for a ZED bronze certificate.
  • Undergo an onsite assessment: An assessor will visit your business to verify that you are implementing ZED practices in all areas of your business or not. This process typically takes 2-3 days.
  • Receive your ZED bronze Certificate: If you have successfully completed onsite assessment then you will get your ZED Bronze certificate in 10-15 days.
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Validity For ZED bronze certificate

The validity for bronze ZED certificate is valid for 3 years for renewal process the MSME must undergo a re-audit every 3 years

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Fees For ZED bronze certificate

The Fees for bronze certificate are as follows:

Certification level Government fees Professional fees
Bronze 10,000 15,000
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Parameters for ZED bronze certificate

The Societies can be classified on the basis of their objective they are formed. Different types of Societies are listed below:

  1. Leadership: Any initiative's success is largely dependent on the leadership. By accepting responsibility for the system's efficacy, evaluating the performance of ZED parameters, and encouraging development, one can show commitment to the ZED values.
    • Roles & Responsibilities at all levels are clearly defined
    • Regulatory compliances are reviewed periodically
  2. Swachh Workplace: The morale of those who work for the company is raised by a clean workplace, which also improves the organization's reputation with customers and other stakeholders. Additionally, it is required in many industries to maintain a clean, hygienic, clutter-free, and organized work environment (Swachh workplace). There are many strategies to maintain a Swachh workplace, including Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Hygienic Practices (GHP), 5S, etc.
    • Processes for cleaning & hygiene are in place addressing the nature of product, processes, customer & regulatory requirements
    • All equipment, tools, work spaces & areas are maintained clean, uncluttered & organized as defined & required
  3. Occupational Workplace Safety: This criterion evaluates the company's capacity to maintain safety compliances and a secure workplace. Safety lapses may result in the destruction of property and the death of people, bringing about legal action and reputational damage. An organization should develop a Safety Policy and thorough action plans to meet the safety worries of all stakeholders, including (but not limited to) employees, contract workers, supplier chain, and community.
    • Safety risks are identified and measures are taken to eliminate or minimise them
    • Relevant PPEs are used by the employees
    • Safety trainings are imparted to all relevant people
  4. Measurement of Timely Delivery: All Scheduling and planning of production activities results in timely delivery. It is one of the most important factors in determining client satisfaction. This metric evaluates various activities' capacity to deliver on time in terms of "ontime full delivery," which reflects how many deliveries are supplied On Time, In Full (OTIF).
    • Mechanism to record deliveries is in place
    • Adherence to process delivery contracts is measured
  5. Quality Management: Quality management is essential for any organization to thrive and stay ahead of the competition. The organization should develop its Quality Management System, which should include all goods and procedures throughout the organization and supply chain.
    • Quality requirements for products and processes are established and monitored
    • Training is imparted to all relevant people
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The Bronze ZED Certificate is a valuable certification for MSMEs that are looking to improve their sustainability performance. The certification can help MSMEs to reduce their costs, improve their brand image, access government incentives, and improve their environmental and social performance.

The process of achieving the Bronze ZED Certificate is relatively straightforward. The first step is to take the ZED Pledge, which commits you to the principles of sustainability and to working towards achieving the ZED Bronze Certificate. The next step is to complete the self-assessment, which will help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses in terms of sustainability. Once you have completed the self-assessment, you will need to identify any gaps in your sustainability performance and implement improvements. Once you have implemented the necessary improvements, you will need to undergo an audit by a third-party auditor. If you are found to be in compliance with the ZED Bronze Certificate requirements, you will be awarded the certification.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to apply for a ZED Bronze Certificate?

To apply for a ZED Bronze Certificate, you can visit our professional utilities website and follow the instructions. You will need to provide some basic information about your business, and our executives will assist you

What are the eligibility criteria for ZED Bronze Certificate?

To be eligible for a ZED Bronze Certificate, an MSME must:

  • Be registered with the Ministry of MSME
  • Have an Udyam registration number
  • Have been in operation for at least one year
  • Meet the basic requirements of the ZED Certification Scheme

What are the benefits of ZED Bronze Certification?

The benefits of ZED Bronze Certification include:

  • Increased customer confidence
  • Improved access to markets
  • Reduced costs
  • Improved productivity
  • Enhanced brand image

What is the cost of ZED Bronze Certificate?

The cost of ZED Bronze Certificate varies depending on the size of your business. However, there are a number of financial incentives available to help MSMEs cover the cost of certification.

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