Company Incorporation In Japan- online Application, Procedure, Documents

Updated on March 01, 2025 01:28:46 PM

There is immense potential for company incorporation in Japan because it is a highly progressive and technologically advanced country, deeply rooted in traditions, and one of the most economically powerful nations in the world. Japan is famously known as the Land of the Rising Sun, and it is for this reason that many individuals, including investors, are attracted to the country at any given time. With its status as a world economic giant, an advanced technological framework, and a stable environment, Japan provides a suitable and lucrative opportunity to start a business and thrive.

Although the process of incorporating a business firm in Japan is well-defined and systematic, several cultural and legal nuances must be given attention. This means that entrepreneurs must be keenly aware of the local laws and the legal framework of Japan before proceeding. It is vital to comply with all the necessary formalities, taking into account every little detail and ensuring full adherence to regulations.

Professional Utilities is here to assist you with the company incorporation process in Japan. We offer expert advice tailored specifically to your unique circumstances, helping to navigate the complexities of the Japanese business landscape. Our experienced team ensures that your business ideas can come to life smoothly, with all legal requirements met, enabling you to focus on growing your business successfully in this dynamic market.

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Governing Body For Company Incorporation In Japan

Minimum foreign company corporation

The Ministry of Justice is Japan's competent authority and governing body for business registration and company incorporation. In particular, the Legal Affairs Bureau (Shihō Shobō) of the Ministry of Justice is in charge of overseeing the incorporation procedure and company registration in Japan.Maintaining the registry of corporations and ensuring compliance with the Companies Act and other pertinent laws and regulations fall under the authority of the Legal Affairs Bureau. They manage a variety of company registration-related tasks, including accepting and processing incorporation applications, issuing certificates of company registration, and maintaining the company register. The Legal Affairs Bureau is also known as the Civil Affairs Bureau in Japan.

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Types Of Companies Incorporation In Japan

Under the Japanese Companies Act, there are four types of companies. They are as follow:

Stock Company/Kabushiki Kaisha (KK)

Kabushiki Kaisha is the Japanese term for a corporation. The most typical form of foreign-owned corporate entity in Japan is a KK, which is also known as a stock company. Potential Japanese business partners, contractors, clients, and workers highly regard and value KKs.

In other jurisdictions, the public limited company (PLC) is comparable to the KK. The stockholders have limited responsibility and their shares are publicly tradable.

Limited Liability Company/Godo Kaisha (GK)

The GK is still typically less recognized and trustworthy than a KK because it is a more recent business entity form (established in 2006). The ability to issue shares is the primary distinction between a Kabushiki Kaisha and a Godo Kaisha.

Branch Office

If a foreign business cannot find a local partner and wants to sell directly to Japanese consumers or wants to establish their own manufacturing, R&D, or service operation in Japan, they may build a branch office there.

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Difference Between KK & GK

There are major differences between Kabushiki Kaisha (Stock Company) & Godo Kaisha (Limited Liability Company). They are as follow:

Basis KK GK
Equity Holder Shareholder is the equity holder Member of the company are the equity holders
Responsibility of Equity Holder Limited Liability Limited Liability
Highest Decision General Meeting of the Shareholders make decision Meeting of the members makes decision
Voting Right Proportionate to the number shares held by each shareholder Each member has one vote
Financial Statements Publication is mandatory Publication is not mandatory
Distribution of Profits to Equity Holders Distribution of company’s profits to each shareholder must be proportionate to the percentage of shares held by each shareholders Members may decide how the company’s profits will be distributed. Distribution does not have to be made in proportion to the percentage of equity held by each member.
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Documents Required For Incorporation In Japan

The list of Documents Required for Incorporation In Japan is as follow:

  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Information of the directors of the company
  • Information of the shareholders of the company
  • Signatures of representatives of the parent company
  • Information of the registered office of the business
  • Information of appointment of executive members (Godo Kaisha)
  • Affidavit from the parent company regarding the existence of the company

However, the documents required for incorporation of a company in Japan can vary depending on the rules of Government or on the type of company being incorporated.

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Process Of Company Incorporation In Japan

The detailed Process of company Incorporation In Japan is as follows:

Step 1: Selecting Business Type

The first step is to think about the kind of business structure you want to use for your business. There are four primary structure types that Japanese companies might use:

  • Kabushiki Kaisha
  • Godo Kaisha
  • Gomei Kaisha
  • Goshi Kaisha

Step 2: Choose a Company Name

Choose a distinctive and appropriate name for your business. Make sure the name complies with the Companies Act's standards and does not conflict with any registered trademarks.

Step 3: Prepare & Notarise the Article Of Association

Create your company's articles of incorporation, which include information like its name, address, purpose, share capital, shareholders, directors, and other special clauses. The Companies Act's conditions for the Articles of Incorporation must be met.

Step 4: Prepare Necessary Documents

The articles of incorporation, a document attesting to the nomination of directors, a document attesting to the registered seal impression (inkan shomei), and any other supporting documents necessary should all be prepared.

Step 5: Obtain a Company Seal

Obtain a company seal (inkan) from a registered seal engraver. The seal will be used for official company documents and transactions.

Step 6: Register With the Legal Affairs Bureau

Send the necessary paperwork to the Legal Affairs Bureau that has jurisdiction over the location of the planned corporation. This comprises the company's articles of incorporation, director appointment paperwork, seal certificate, and any other required documentation. At the time of submission, pay the registration cost.

Step 7: Obtain the Registration Certificate

The Legal Affairs Bureau will issue you a registration certificate following your successful registration, attesting to the establishment of your business. After obtaining the registration certificate, it is advised to complete all the other registrations such as opening a bank account and registration for tax.

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Fees For Company Incorporation In Japan

The required registration fee for company incorporation in Japan is as follows:

Type of Company Registration Fee Range (Yen)
Kabushiki Kaisha (Stock Company) 150,000 - 500,000
Godo Kaisha (Limited Liability Company) 60,000 - 150,000
Branch Office 60,000 - 150,000

Depending on the sort of entity you are registering and the amount of capital involved, there are different government costs for forming a company in Japan.

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Laws Regarding Company Incorporation In Japan

Laws foreign company corporation

The Companies Act (Act No. 86 of 2005) and associated regulations serve as the primary regulatory framework for the laws and sections pertaining to company incorporation in Japan. Here are some important things to think about:

  • Company Type: Japanese corporations can be classified as Kabushiki Kaisha (KK), stock companies, Godo Kaisha (GK), limited liability companies, or cooperative companies, according to the corporations Act.
  • Incorporation Process: A company must be incorporated in Japan by going through a number of stages, including preparing the necessary paperwork, getting an inkan or hanko (company seal or signature stamp), creating a bank account, and registering with the appropriate authorities.
  • Article Of Incorporation: The company's name, mission, capital, shareholders, directors, and other crucial information are outlined in the Articles of Incorporation. As part of the incorporation procedure, they must be developed and submitted.
  • Share Capital: Depending on the type of company, Japanese companies must have a minimum amount of share capital. For instance, a KK is required to have a minimum capital of 1 yen.
  • Shareholders & Directors: Companies must have a minimum of one director and one shareholder. According to the Companies Act, both the board of directors' and shareholders' meetings must be convened.
  • Company Registration : The Articles of Incorporation and other essential paperwork must be submitted to the Legal Affairs Bureau as part of the company registration process. A registration certificate will be sent to the business following a successful registration.
  • Tax Registration : It's crucial to register with the National Tax Agency for tax purposes after a company is incorporated. This entails getting a firm tax ID and signing up for different levies, like the corporate income tax and the consumption tax.
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Incorporating a company in Japan entails a clear procedure that guarantees legal compliance and openness. Detail-oriented business culture prevails in Japan, therefore it's crucial to meticulously follow each step and get legal counsel as necessary. Your journey toward incorporation in Japan can be successful if you take the appropriate strategy and have a solid grasp of the regional business landscape.

This will open doors to the thriving Japanese market and its wealth of options. It is highly recommended to take help from a consultant. You can connect with Professional Utilities for incorporation in Japan.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Fee for company incorporation in Japan?

The fee for incorporation in Japan can vary depending on the type of company. However, it is typically between Yen 60,000 to 1,50,000.

How long does it take to incorporate a company in Japan?

The Incorporation process typically takes around 2-4 weeks in Japan.

What are the common business structures in Japan?

Common Business structures in Japan include KK (Joint-Stock Company) and GK (Limited Liability Company).

What taxes should I be aware of when incorporating in Japan?

Corporate income tax, consumption tax, and social insurance contributions are among the taxes to consider.

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