Company Registration in India - Online Procedure, Documents Required, Fees

Updated on February 25, 2025 03:58:50 PM

Establishing a business starts with a vital step—company registration. This involves the lawful registration of the business with the relevant government departments, providing it with a clear-cut legal identity. Company registration has a variety of advantages that include limited liability coverage, legality, credibility, and the availability of funding sources. Regardless of whether you're an individual business owner, a partnership firm, or a small business expanding, the correct business framework plays a vital part in long-term business success.

Company registration in India is regulated and overseen by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the Companies Act of 2013. The companies can be registered either as a Public Limited Company, a Private Limited Company, One Person Company (OPC), Section 8 Company (non-profit), or a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). The forms of the company have different compliances, tax incentives, and models of operation.

Company Registration Certificate [Sample]

  • Pvt Ltd
  • LLP
  • OPC
  • Public Ltd
  • Section 8

What is company registration?

Company registration is the process of incorporation of a business entity in India under the Companies Act, 2013. A company is a separate legal entity from its shareholders and directors and it can sue or be sued. it has its own liabilities, assets and operations.

A company is registered through the office of the Registrar of Companies (ROC). It is a long legal process involving the various offices and The Ministry.

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Types of company registration in India

These are the different types of company registration or business structures under the Companies Act 2013. Each type has its necessity depending on the activities of the business.

Private Limited Company

A private limited company is a distinct legal entity from its owners, which offers the benefits of limited liabilities to its stakeholders and directors. It can have a minimum of 2 members and a maximum of 200 members. Each member of a company is considered an employee of the company. Private limited company registration is India's most preferred way to incorporate an entity.

Public Limited Company

A public limited company is an association of 7 or more members; it must also have at least 3 directors per the rules. The public limited company is incorporated under the companies act 2013. They offer their shares to the general populace; hence their stocks can be bought by anybody, and the liabilities of their stakeholders are limited to the stocks they hold.

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a company registered under the ministry of corporate affairs (MCA) companies act. LLP is an Enhanced form of partnership Firm with the advantages of private limited companies where each partner is liable for the amount they have put into the company and shall not be responsible for the misconduct of one another. A minimum of 2 partners are required for LLP company registration. However, there is no limit to the maximum number of partners for an LLP.

One Person Company (OPC)

One-person company (OPC) is a new concept introduced by the government under the companies act in 2013. OPC are similar to a private limited and also enjoys limited liabilities of a Pvt. limited company, but only a single person is required for one person company registration who also acts as both director and stakeholder of the company.

Section-8 Company(NGO)

A company is attributed as a Section-8 company when the company is registered as a non-profit organisation. It is India's most prominent form of NGO registration under the Companies Act 2013. The purpose of section-8 NGOs is to promote culture, art, education, charity, and sports. The section-8 company can be incorporated as a Pvt limited company and a public limited company.

Nidhi Company

Nidhi company is considered a Non-banking financial sector company which works on the principle of mutual benefit and does not require RBI approval for company registration. It is founded to borrow and lend money from and among its members. The company must incorporate “Nidhi Limited” with its name.

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Some Other Types of Company Incorporation in India

Producer Company

A producer company is a hybrid between a cooperative society and a private limited company. It is incorporated under section 465(1) of the company Act as a private limited entity. A producer company can be formed by 10 or more individuals or a group where the liability of stakeholders is limited.

Partnership Firm

A partnership firm is a form of a company where 2 people incorporate a business together and share all the losses and profit. This kind of structure is suited for small and medium businesses as it's easy to maintain and has fewer legal compliances. Such firms are highly unrecommended to run a business as the liabilities are unlimited.

Sole proprietorship

Sole proprietorship firm is a business owned and managed by just a single person; unlike OPC, such a business has unlimited liabilities and no separate legal identity; it's not governed by any law and, therefore, very easy to operate.

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Comparison between different types of business structure

Company Type Ideal for Taxation Compliances Benefits
Private Limited company Start-Ups and small businesses Lower tax rate and tax relief for 3 years under start-up India scheme Initiation of business must be done within 180 days of incorporation, Mandatory annual return filing 100% FDI is allowed
Public Limited Company Business with high annual turnover 30% annual tax charges on the total turnover of the company Annual submission of accounts with RoC, mandatory return filing Stocks can be bought by anybody
Limited Liability Partnership For MSME’s and individual partners Tax benefit on depreciation Statement of Solvency by 3oth -OCT each year
Annual return by 30th May every financial year
No minimum capital is required
One Person Company For individual start-ups and innovators Tax relief for 3 years under start-up India Must appoint an auditor within 15-days of company registration
The mandatory annual return must be filed
Requires only one person to set up a company
Section-8 Company For NGOs and social cause 100% Tax exemption if registered under section 12AA Financial statement to be filed with RoC annually. An annual return must be filed. High credibility among donors
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Importance of choosing the right business structure

Choosing the right business structure is important for company registration, as it impacts various aspects such as:

  • Taxes and liabilities: Different structuring attracts different tax obligations and liability conditions.
  • Personal Liabilities: Some structures, such as sole proprietorships, can imply personal liability for their owners, while LLPs and private limited companies confer limited liability protection.
  • Statutory compliances: Generally, public and private limited companies have to comply with a greater number of rules and regulations, whereas OPCs (One Person Companies) have fewer formalities.
  • Investor orientation: LLPs or private limited companies attract more investors as they stand with credibility due to a rigid structure; sole proprietorships, however, lack that much-needed credibility to attract investment.
  • Social integration versus profit motive: Section 8 Companies (NGOs) aim at working for social causes instead of profit-maximizing, while private and public limited companies are profit-driven.
  • Long-term growth & success: The choice of an appropriate business structure assures a stable financial position and also lessens compliance and the ever-expanding process of growth.

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How to choose a business structure when applying for company registration?

Before deciding on the right business structure for your company, every entrepreneur must ask the following important question to themselves.

  • Number of partners or members they want
  • Ideally, all business structures are classified among single owners and multiple partners; start-ups and small businesses who don't want to share their unique ideas opt for OPC or sole proprietorship. Companies with 2 or more members are more structured and more credible among investors.

  • Initial capital investment into the company
  • If you are an individual who doesn't want to spend more at the initial stage, then choosing a sole proprietor or partnership firm would be wise to avoid the extra burden of taxation and compliance with the companies act and initial company registration fee during the incorporation of the company.

  • Capability to handle liabilities and personal risk
  • The level of risk involved in running a business depends on the structure it is incorporated into. Companies registered under HUF and partnership firms have unlimited liabilities, whereas for businesses who opt for LLPs, PLC and Pvt. Ltd, their liabilities and personal risk are limited.

  • Taxation structure
  • Before filing for company registration, an entrepreneur must understand tax structures for all types of company incorporation, as some business structure invites high taxes than other.

  • Registration and Maintenance cost of a company
  • The Initial one-time company registration fee is very similar for almost all the business structures under the companies act 2013. However, the fee for proprietorship firms is lower and more accessible to incorporate than others.

    The maintenance cost of a company includes the cost of annual compliances, which can vary depending upon the kind of business structure you have incorporated for.

  • Ability to bring investment to business
  • Raising money or bringing investment for the company's growth is one of the most crucial aspects of the existence of a successful business. Hence choosing the right business structure become very important because many investors and banks prefer a well-structured company to invest in or provide easy loans.

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How to register a company in India?

How to register a company in India?

The process of company registration in India for all the listed business entities is the same as one another. Here are the following steps required to register a company in India.

Step-1: Acquire Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

The company incorporation process is completely online, and the DSC must file for registration on the MCA portal. It is mandatory for all the directors and subscribers of MoA and AOA.

Step-2: Acquire Director Identification Number (DIN)

The director identification number is also required to be obtained by all the supposed directors of the company before registering their company DIN can be acquired online for a maximum of 3 directors through the SPICe+ company registration form. A company with more than 3 directors can obtain other DIN numbers through the DIR-3 form after incorporation.

Step-3: Register on the MCA portal

The company director is required to create an account on the MCA online portal to fill out the SPICe+ form for company registration. The company must reserve a unique name by submitting its proposed name in Part-A of the SPICe+ form.

A unique name is necessary to avoid similarities among registered private limited companies, LLPs, or other business houses. The applicant shall not use prohibited names and trademarks to avoid objection or rejection from the authorities.

Once the name is approved, applicants need to fill out part B of the SPICe+ form and provide all necessary documents of the company and directors to complete the registration process for the company.

Step-4: Issuance of Certificate of Incorporation (COI)

The office of the registrar of companies (ROC) will verify and examine the application after the application submission; once the verification is done, the certificate of incorporation will be issued along with the PAN and TAN as per the guidelines of the income tax department.

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Cost of registering a company in India

Company Type Cost Start From
Private Limited Company Rs. 9,499
Sole Proprietorship Rs. 2,999
Limited Liability Partnership Rs. 8,499
Partnership Firm Rs. 11,999
One Person Company Rs. 9,499
Section-8 company Rs. 9,499
Public Limited company Rs. 16,699
Nidhi Company Rs. 20,199
Producer Company Rs. 24,999

NOTE: The registration fee can vary State to State

Note: The aformentioned Fees is exclusive of GST.

The registration fee can vary State to State

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Documents required for company registration

The following documents are required for online company registration in India.

Documents of Directors and stakeholders.

Identity and Address proof of director as follows:-

  • PAN
  • Aadhar
  • Passport
  • Bank statement not older than 2 months
  • Electricity bill not older than 2 months

Documents of the company

For the proof of the registered office, the following documents are required.

  • NOC from the owner is needed if the property is rented
  • Electricity bill or any authorised bill like telephone bill (not older than 2 months)
  • The company owns the sale purchase deed in the case of the office.
  • Mandatory submission of the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Article of Association (AOA) is required while filing for company registration.
documents required for company registration
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Professional Utilities: Your company incorporation experts

The expert team at Professional Utilities can help you incorporate a Company in India. Register your company online in a fast and most affordable manner in three easy steps:

Step 1:
Get in touch via call or contact form

Step 2:
Provide necessary documents

Step 3:
Get your LLP registered in 7-14 days

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Checklist for company registration in India

Checklist for company registration in India
  • Minimum number of directors as per the guidelines of defined business structures
  • Trademark NOC for the unique name of the company
  • Digital signature certificate (DSC)
  • Director identification number (DIN) for all directors
  • Memorandum of association (MOA)
  • Articles of Association (AOA)
  • Proof of registered office
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Benefits of company registration in India

Incorporating a company has its following benefits, which can help in the growth of the business.

  • Limited Liability and less personal risk
  • Distinct Legal Identity
  • Perpetual succession
  • Easy to attract Investors
  • Streamline structure
  • Increased Credibility
  • Easy to get Loan from banks
Benifits of company registration
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Mandatory compliances to be followed by the Company

Some following mandatory annual compliances need to be followed by a company after the incorporation.

Checklist for company registration in India
  • Annual tax return
  • Filing Annual returns
  • must maintain books of loss and profit properly
  • Mandatory maintenance of minutes of board meetings
  • must file mandatory Disclosure of interest by directors with RoC
  • Issuance of share certificate within 2 months of company registration
  • Must appoint the first auditor within 30 days of incorporation of the Company
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Furthermore, company registration involves several processes. Before registering a business, one must determine the organization of the business, i.e. whether the company should register as an OPC, LLP, PLC or Public Limited Company. Once the company has decided on its corporate structure, the name of the business is to be determined and directors of the company require DIN and DSC before applying for company registration.

After choosing the company's name and after obtaining DIN & DSC the company registration form has to be submitted to the MCA portal. This SPICe+ application, i.e., the company registration form, has to be filled in, and all necessary documents have to be uploaded online through the MCA portal, along with the fees prescribed. After confirming the SPICe+ form and the required documents, the ROC will issue the certificate of incorporation for the company. The incorporation certificate serves as evidence of the registration of the company. The company is now an independent legal entity.

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FAQs on Changing AOA and MOA
What is the registration process of a company?
  • Acquire DSC (Digital signature certificate
  • Acquire DIN (Director identification number )
  • Create an account on the MCA portal and fill SPICe+ form, reserve a unique name for the company and upload all necessary documents
  • After successful verification from the registrar of companies (ROC), you will get your company incorporation certificate.
What are the documents needed for Company registration in India?

Director's identification proof such as Aadhar, PAN Card, and passport is required along with address proof of the company such as electricity bill, and phone bill which should be older than 2 months.

How many directors must a company have?

The minimum number of directors depends upon the business structure of a company. In the case of one person company (OPC), the sole person is responsible for all the company's activities. Ideally, 2 directors are mandatory except for the public company where 3 directors are required.

What are the rules for Pvt Ltd Company in India?
  • Minimum 2 directors are required
  • The maximum number of shareholders shall not be more than 200
  • The maximum number of directors a private limited company can have is 15 directors only
How do I register for a start-up company In India?

Before registering your company under start-up India, you must incorporate your business under the companies act 2013. Only after that, you can apply for DPIIT recognition to get start-up India benefits.

How can I get the name approval from MCA for company registration?

For the approval of the name concerned company needs to file E-form1 A with the concerned registrar of companies along with a fee of Rs. 500.

Which type of company registration is the best?

Company registration is subjective to what kind of business a company wants to carry; each business structure has its benefits and disadvantages. For instance, if only one person wants to start a business, then one person company registration would be preferable for a start-up.

What is the difference between Private limited and LLP company registration?
Private limited company Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
The maximum number of members shall not be more than 200 No limit on the maximum number of members
The company name should end with Pvt. Ltd The name should end with LLP
Can transfer shares easily. Can transfer shares by executing an agreement before a public notary.