DIR-3 KYC on MCA - Online Application for KYC of Directors

DIN stands for Director Identification Number. It is a unique identification number allotted to a person who wants to be a director or an existing director of a company. All directors having a valid or expired DIN need to submit their KYC details on the MCA portal annually in eForm DIR-3 KYC.


Who is required to file DIR-3 KYC Form?

Who is required to file DIR-3 KYC Form

As per the Ministry of Corporate Affairs announcement, any person who has been allotted “Director Identification Number (DIN/DPIN)” on or before 31st March 2018 and the status of such DIN is ‘Approved’, needs to file eForm DIR-3 KYC to update KYC details on the MCA portal on or before 5th October 2018. This procedure is mandatory for disqualified directors too.

From the Financial Year 2019-20 onwards, it is mandatory for every director who has been allotted a DIN on or before the end of the financial year and whose DIN status is ‘Approved’, will have to file eForm DIR-3 KYC before 30th September the immediately next financial year.

For example, for the financial year 2020-21, the directors or partners who were allotted DIN or DPIN by 31st March 2021 are required to file the DIR-3 KYC form before 30th September 2021.

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Who can file eForm DIR-3 KYC?

Any DIN holder who is filing his KYC details for the first time with MCA must file all KYC details only through eForm DIR-3 KYC. Also, any DIN holder who wants to update any information of his KYC details must update the same through the filing of eForm DIR-3 KYC only.

File DIR-3 KYC with Professionals

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Requirements for filing eForm DIR-3 KYC

  1. Digital Signature of the director is required for filing eForm
  2. Director’s email address and phone number is required while filing the form (which will be verified by an OTP)
  3. DIN holder and a practicing professional (CA /CS / CMA) certifying the form are the two signatories required in form DIR-3 KYC
  4. Certification & declaration by a practicing professional like Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary or Cost and Management Accountant
Requirements for filing eForm DIR-3 KYC
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Documents required for filing DIR-3 KYC

  1. PAN Card (Proof of identity)
  2. Aadhar Card (Proof of Residency)
  3. Passport (in case of foreign national)
  4. Personal mobile number and email address
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Repercussions of not filing Form DIR-3 KYC on time

As per the provisions of Rule 12A of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014, every individual who is allotted DIN as of 31st March of a financial year must submit his KYC on or before 30th September of the immediately next financial year.

If the DIN holder does not file his annual KYC within the due date of each financial year, such DIN shall be marked as ‘Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC’ and will continue to remain in ‘Deactivated’ status until KYC is done with a late fee of ₹5,000.

Penalty on late filing of DIR-3 KYC

To re-activate the DIN in the future, the director can file the eForm DIR-3 KYC after paying a late fee of ₹5,000. The late fees would be payable on or after the due date i.e., 30th September of the financial year in which the form is to be filed. The form is mandatory to be filed by all the directors annually within the specified due date to avoid late fees and deactivation of DIN.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which details are required to be filled in the Form DIR-3 KYC?

Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, PAN Number, Personal Mobile Number, and Personal Email Address and Permanent/ Present address.
Further, Aadhaar is mandatory, if it is assigned. If not, then a Voter ID or Passport, or Driving License shall be attached. Accordingly, a copy of any one of the above is to be attached.

I am only a shareholder in the company. Do I need to file DIR-3 KYC?

No, only a person who is holding a DIN is required to file DIR-3 KYC.

I am a disqualified director. Am I required to file DIR-3 KYC form?

Yes. Any person who has been allotted DIN and where the status of such DIN is ‘Approved’, is required to file form DIR-3 KYC. Hence, disqualified directors are also required to file form DIR-3 KYC.

What is the penalty for non-filing of eForm DIR-3 KYC?

DIN shall be marked as ‘Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC’ and will continue to remain in ‘Deactivated’ status until KYC is done with a fee of ₹5,000.

My DIN status is ‘Deactivated’. Can I file eForm DIR-3 KYC?

Form DIR-3 KYC can be filed for status ‘Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC’ after payment of ₹5,000.

Is multiple filing of DIR-3 KYC allowed?

The system will not allow multiple filing of form DIR-3 KYC for an applicant. In case KYC is already filed for a DIN, and such DIN is entered again, the system throws an error that the form is already filed.