Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana

Updated on December 17, 2024 11:57:06 AM

The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MEITy) of Government of India implemented the Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana which offers various subsidies and incentives to businesses as an encouragement for development of the Electronics Manufacturing Industry in Haryana. The Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana offers subsidies to business owners to expand business, provide job opportunities and boost the economic growth of the state by further development of the Electronics Manufacturing Industry. In this article, you will learn about how the incentive aids in the growth of the electronics manufacturing industry of the state and what are the advantages of the Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana.

What is the Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy?

The Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana is an initiative by the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MEITy) of Government of India for businesses to improve the Electronics Manufacturing Industry within the state. The Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MEITy) implemented several subsidy programs through Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana to provide financial assistance and incentives to the business owners for further development of the Electronics Manufacturing Industry.

Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana assists the businesses with investments, interest rates, power, land and infrastructure. Businesses should be aware of the Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana to understand which subsidy program suits their project depending on their investment, location, production scale and job generation.

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Benefits of Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana

Some of the benefits of the Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana for the electronics manufacturing industry of the state are written below.

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What are available Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana?

The Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana offers maximum subsidy rate and subsidy amount to the businesses to ensure prevention of exploitation or unfairness of the intermediary. The Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana is categorized under 15 programs which are:

For beneficiaries of SPECS (Scheme for Promotion of Manufacturing of Electronic Components and Semiconductors)

Subsidy Rate Subsidy Amount
50% additional benefit (of the benefit availed under GoI scheme) under this policy Rs 10 crore

Investment Subsidy

Subsidy Rate Maximum Subsidy Amount Limitations
50% reimbursement on SGST paid to the State Government Not Specified For 5 years for units in ‘A’ block and 10 years for units in ‘B’, ‘C’, and ‘D’ blocks
Capital subsidy of eligible capital expenditure-
  1. For large industries
    • Block D- 20%
    • Block C- 15%
    • Block B- 10%
    • Block A- 5%
  2. For mega industries
    • Block D- 25%
    • Block C- 20%
    • Block B- 15%
    • Block A- 10%
Capital subsidy shall be limited to Rs 300 crore or less Shall be reimbursed in annual equal installments over 10 years
Haryana State Production Linked Incentive Not Specified Production linked incentive will be applicable for 10 years and limited to 100% of FCI or Rs 300 Crores, whichever is less

For beneficiaries of Government of India PLI scheme

Subsidy Rate Maximum Subsidy Amount Limitations
25% additional benefit (of the benefit availed under GoI scheme) Rs 300 crore or 100% of FCI Only one, whichever is less, applicable only for large and mega units

Electricity Duty Reimbursement

Subsidy Rate Maximum Subsidy Amount Limitations
100% reimbursement of electricity duty Not Specified
  1. For Mega & Large-
    • 5 years for B block
    • 7 years for C block
    • 10 years for D block
  2. For MSME
    • 7 years for B block
    • 10 years for C block
    • 12 years for D block

Reimbursement of ETP cost

Subsidy Rate Maximum Subsidy Amount
50% reimbursement of ETP cost Rs 50 lakh

Reimbursement of Patent Cost

Subsidy Rate Maximum Subsidy Amount Limitations
100% reimbursement of actual patent cost Rs 25 lakh Only one patent reimbursement per entity

Reimbursement of Prototyping Cost

Subsidy Rate Maximum Subsidy Amount Limitations
75% reimbursement of prototyping cost Rs 15 lakh per annumh Maximum of 3 products per entit

Reimbursement of Guarantee Fee under CGTMSE

Subsidy Rate Maximum Subsidy Amount Limitations
100% guarantee fee reimbursement for MSMEs Rs 2 lakh per year For 5 years from the date of commencement of commercial production

Tabulated below is the above listed category of Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana along with their maximum subsidy rate, maximum subsidy amount and limitations.

Financial Assistance for listing on ‘Emerge’ exchange platform (NSE) or SME Platform (BSE)

Subsidy Rate Maximum Subsidy Amount Limitations
75% reimbursement of the actual rent paid Rs 30 per sq. ft. per month For a period of 3 years, only one reimbursement applicable

Quality Certification Fee Reimbursement

Subsidy Rate Maximum Subsidy Amount Limitations
100% reimbursement for quality certifications Rs 10 lakh Can be availed only once during the policy period

Lease/ Rental Reimbursement

Subsidy Rate Maximum Subsidy Amount Limitations
75% reimbursement of the actual rent paid Rs 30 per sq. ft. per month For a period of 3 years, only one reimbursement applicable

Capital Investment Subsidy

Subsidy Rate Maximum Subsidy Amount
25% reimbursement of eligible capital expenditure for ESDM parks Rs 50 crore

Financial Assistance for Prototyping

Subsidy Rate Maximum Subsidy Amount Limitations
75% reimbursement of the cost incurred for prototyping Rs 15 lakh per year Maximum of 2 sanctions per year per startup

Centre of Excellence (CoE)

Subsidy Rate Maximum Subsidy Amount
Up to 50% of eligible capital expenditure Rs 10 crore

R&D Centre

Subsidy Rate Maximum Subsidy Amount Limitations
35% of project cost Rs 1.5 crore Financial assistance for operational expenditure, limited to Rs 20 lakh per year for 3 years
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Features of Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana

Listed below are some of the features of Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana that are offered to businesses in the electronics manufacturing industry of the state

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Additional information on Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana

The additional information regarding the Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana in the electronics manufacturing industry is written below.

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The Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana aims to develop the electronics manufacturing industry in the state through businesses by offering them several subsidies and financial incentives. The Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana provides Reimbursement for Electricity Duty, ETP cost, Patent Cost, Prototyping Cost, Capital Investment Subsidy and many more to assist the businesses in expansion of business and create more jobs for locals. The Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana assists in the overall economic development of the state which will attract businesses within the electronics manufacturing industry by making establishment of new businesses easier.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana?

The Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana aims to improve the electronics manufacturing industry of the state by offering subsidies and incentives to the businesses to expand business.

Why is the Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana important?

The Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana is prominent to lower operational costs of businesses, assist in market expansion, create employment for locals and promote entrepreneurship for the economic development of the state

What are the benefits of Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana?

The Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana offers several benefits such as infrastructural development, job creation, promoting exportation, industrial growth, and economic development in the state.

What types of Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana are offered?

Electronics Manufacturing Subsidy in Haryana include Reimbursement for Electricity Duty, ETP cost, Patent Cost, Prototyping Cost, Capital Investment Subsidy and many more.

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