ICEGATE Registration In Customs - Process, Eligibility, Documents, and Fees

Updated on March 01, 2025 02:39:02 PM

ICEGATE registration is mandatory for cargo carriers and Trading Partners and is required for filing documents online and generating shipping Bills and bills of Entry. ICEGATE stands for Indian Customs Electronic Gateway. The main purpose of ICEGATE is to accelerate the customs clearance process by reducing paperwork and allowing you to submit your documents electronically.

ICEGATE registration is a completely online process that benefits the user by reducing the processing time, lowering the overall cost due to reduced manpower requirements and increasing visibility into your shipment's status at every step along the way. AD code registration on ICEGATE allows the exporter to receive payments in foreign currencies.

In this article, we will discuss everything about ICEGATE registration in detail. Read on to learn what an ICEGATE registration is?, the Documents required for registration and how you can apply for ICEGATE registration and avail of many benefits provided to the ICEGATE registered users.

AD Code Certificate [Sample]

AD Code Registration on Mormugao Port Sample

Types of ICEGATE Registration

Icegate provides two key registration options to cater to diverse business needs: Icegate Partnership Registration and Icegate Simplified Registration. Each option is designed to facilitate smoother customs processes, ensuring efficient and hassle-free trade operations.

1. ICEGATE Partnership Registration

ICEGATE partnership registration is done on the government website of ICEGATE. Online documents can be filed via ICEGATE partnership registration(The same is not possible for the simplified auto registration).

To register under the ICEGATE Partnership program, you need to click on the “sign up” link on the icegate portal. Once you Sign Up, you will be directed to the ICEGATE partnership registration.

iecgate process

2. ICEGATE Simplified Registration

A Simplified Auto Registration on ICEGATE is required to attract importers and exporters for Registration on ICEGATE and to supply them with numerous information services, including reports.

Currently, IEC Registration is permitted on the ICEGATE portal with a Digital Signature and approval is required. These registered IEC holders are able to submit documents via ICEGATE.

Simplified Auto Registration is based on IEC and GSTIN, and it requires OTP for email and mobile phone verifications.

The streamlined Registration Module in ICEGATE allows users to register at ICEGATE without having to upload a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC), verify their Permanent Account Number (PAN), upload documents to ICEGATE, or undergo an approval procedure.

Note : IEC holders registered under the Simplified Auto Registration category are ineligible to submit customs paperwork.

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Who can apply for ICEGATE Registration

Icegate registration is available to a wide range of businesses involved in international trade, providing a streamlined platform for customs clearance and electronic documentation. Here's an overview of who can apply for Icegate registration.

  1. F-card custom brokers or Custom house Agents(CHA)- Individuals, Firms or Employees
  2. IEC Certificate holders
  3. Console agents
  4. Shipping Agents
  5. Shipping Lines
  6. Airlines
  7. Air Cargo Agents
  8. IEC Authorized persons
Icegate Registration
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ICEGATE Registration Process

Getting started with ICEGATE is easy and hassle-free! Follow these simple steps to complete your registration:

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Documents Required for ICEGATE Registration

Applicant Entity Documents Required Scanned Copy Format
Custom Broker/CHA(Individual)
  • Address Proof
  • Valid License or Permit
Custom Broker/CHA(Firm)
  • Authorization letter
  • Address Proof
  • Valid License or Permit
Custom Broker/CHA(Individual(Employee)
  • F-card/G-card(Employee) Authorization
  • Authorization letter
  • Address Proof(Aadhaar/Voter ID/passport/DL)
IEC Authorized person
  • Authorization letter
  • Address Proof
IEC holders
  • Address Proof
  • Valid License or Permit
Airlines/Air Agents
  • Authorization letter
  • Address Proof
  • Valid License or Permit
Shipping Lines/Shipping Agents
  • Order of Commissioner
  • Authorization letter
  • Address Proof
Console Agents
  • Address Proof
  • Valid License or Permit

Note: One of the following Address proofs of the applicant Entity are considered valid for ICEGATE Registration.

  1. Aadhaar Card
  2. Voter ID
  3. Driving license
  4. Passport
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ICEGATE Registration Fees

Application Fee for ICEGATE registration is Rs. 2,999/- (It is a one-time fee which has to be borne by the exporter).

There is no government fee for ICEGATE registration.

Note: The aforementioned Fees is exclusive of GST

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ICEGATE Registration Guidelines by DGFT

Ready to register on ICEGATE with DGFT? Let’s make the process easy and seamless! Just follow these simple guidelines:

  1. IEC holders are urged to register at the new Registration Module as soon as possible if they plan to file documents at ICEGATE using RES.
  2. Before beginning the registration procedure, all users are advised to use their Individual Type Class III DSC tokens plugged into their systems. At the time of registration, all users are required to upload their DSCs.
  3. The PAN details of the applicant will be verified against the PAN database of the Income Tax department at the time of registration. Moreover, the applicant entity must also upload a copy of the PAN during the registration process. Ensure that the name given during ICEGATE registration matches the name on your PAN card.
  4. Only G-Card holders are allowed to register as CHA employees since they are allowed to digitally sign documents using DSC, whereas H-card holders are not allowed to do so.
  5. An entity can register on ICEGATE with only one parent user and the other users will be registered as child users.
  6. The ICES registration number given during registration is utilized to obtain information from ICES directories and is displayed for verification. The data collection process starts only when the applicant verifies their data.
  7. If the IEC-authorized person is no longer employed by the IEC holder, the IEC holder has the authority to disable the IEC-authorized person. Therefore, the IEC holders are encouraged to disable the IEC-approved person in the ICEGATE Registration module.
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AD code Port registration on ICEGATE

Each port's AD code registration can be completed online via the ICEGATE site. You must register your AD code at the port where you wish to import your goods. The thirteen major Indian ports are listed below.

Port Location ICEGATE AD code Registration Port Code
Mumbai Nhava Sheva Port registration INNSA1
Tamil Nadu Ennore Port Registration INENR1
Gujarat Kandla Port Registration INIXY6
Chennai Chennai Port Registration INMAA6
West Bengal Kolkata Port Registration INCCU1
Karnataka New Mangalore Port Registration INNML1
Kerala Cochin Port Registration INCOK4
Orissa Paradip Port Registration INPRT1
Maharashtra Mumbai Port Registration INBOM6
Andhra Pradesh Visakhapatnam Port Registration INVTZ6
Tamil Nadu Tuticorin Port Registration INTNC6
Andaman & Nicobar Port Blair Port Registration INIXZ1
Goa Mormugao Port registration INMRM1
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ICEGATE registration is an essential step for enterprises conducting import-export activity in India. It streamlines customs processes, improves compliance, and gives users access to the Indian Customs Department's extensive digital offerings. Businesses that register on ICEGATE benefit from faster documentation, less delays, and more smooth transactions. Whether you are a regular exporter or someone who is planning to start exporting, ICEGATE registration help in eliminating several steps and brings your organization in-line with the digital interface of India’s trade system. By working through this system, not only does productivity improve, but also the position on the global trading map becomes more powerful.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the full form of ICEGATE?

ICEGATE stands for Indian Customs Electronic Gateway.

Can I register for icegate without DSC?

ICEGATE is registered in 2 ways.

  1. ICEGATE partnership registration is done with a class III DSC.while,
  2. Simplified Auto Registration on ICEGATE is obtained without DSC. The downside of the Simplified registration is that you can not file documents online with Auto IEC registration on ICEGATE.
  3. AD Code registration on ICEGATE also requires a class III DSC
What is ICEGATE?

CEGATE (Indian Customs Electronic Gateway) is the official online platform of the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) for facilitating import-export customs clearance, duty payments, and document submission.

What is the need for ICEGATE registration?

ICEGATE registration is required to file online shipping bills, bills of Entry and other important documents. That is why it is necessary for the CHA/IEC holder/airlines/ shipping lines to register their business on ICEGATE.

What are the fees for ICEGATE registration?

Application Fee for ICEGATE registration is Rs. 2,999/-.

What documents are required for ICEGATE registration?
  • Import Export Code (IEC)
  • PAN Card of the business/individual
  • GST Certificate (if applicable)
  • Aadhaar Card (for proprietors)
  • Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) (for online verification)
  • Authorization Letter (for company registrations)