Make in India Initiative for Ports and Shipping – Empowering Local Manufacturing

Updated on January 09, 2025 03:59:58 PM

The Make in India for Ports and Shipping caters for the vision of positioning India as the preferred maritime nation to support the growth of ship building and port infrastructure industries. As a result, the Make in India initiative creates job opportunities for the citizens by encouraging local production of assembly and technology manufacturing, thereby decreasing importation of goods from other countries. The given transformation not only augments the Indian maritime strength but at the same time serves as a great aid towards enabling the ports and shipping industry to act as a prominent actor in international commerce.

What is Make in India for Ports and Shipping?

The Make in India in Ports and Shipping involves the development of Indian ports and shipping by encouraging manufacture of parts for ships, construction of ports, and all sorts of navigating and shipping services. The Make in India initiative promotes localization of ship construction, decreased importation of maritime products, and improvement of port facilities. The Make in India scheme improves the indigenous production and the use of advanced technologies that enhance the competitiveness of the Indian shipping industry in the global market. Make in India initiative policy is in line with the general vision of positioning India as a player in the international maritime business, as well as enhancing the capacity of the ports from within and shipyards.

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Benefits of Make in India for Ports and Shipping

The Make in India initiative for Ports and Shipping offers several advantages to businesses, including:

  • Strengthening Local Manufacturing: Promotes setting up of indigenous manufacturing facilities, thus minimizing import dependence and improving the prospects for India’s shipbuilding industry.
  • Employment Generation: Promotes employment in manufacturing, logistics, and ports development industries, hence resulting in creation of employment for a large number of people.
  • Attracting Investments: Schemes like the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme and efforts such as Public Procurement Orders are both enabling more domestic and international investments in India’s maritime and shipping facilities.
  • Technological Advancements: It continues to foster the adoption of modern trends in shipbuilding technology and automation of ports and services.
  • Improved Global Competitiveness: As its ports undergo modernization and the nation develops its skills in ship manufacturing, India has the potential to emerge as a player in the international maritime industry.
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Key Policies and Initiatives for Ports and Shipping under Make in India

Several policies have been introduced to support the growth of the Ports and Shipping sector:

1) Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme:

The PLI Scheme promotes production of components related to shipbuilding, and gives monetary rewards depending on the jobs done by the manufacturers within the country. This scheme is targeted at important sub-sectors including ship construction, harbor construction, and marine facilities.

2) Public Procurement Order (PPP-MII):

The Public Procurement Order allows governments to only award contracts to domestic companies particularly for parts utilized in the construction of new ships. This would help enhance the competitive advantage of local manufacturers especially those with first-level local content in the procurement of government contracts. It also ensures that only suppliers with adequate localization have the chance of tendering for government contracts.

3) Classification of Suppliersfor Shipbuilding:

With reference to the Public Procurement Order made under the Act, there are some shipbuilding parts that have been categorized where Public procurement must be undertaken from Class I local suppliers. This includes:

This list of Class-I suppliers for these items is benchmarking in nature. This gives a format for procurement; however, there may be other Class-I suppliers in the market; such procuring entities have to adhere to all the procurement standard procedures outlined here without referring to the annexed list.

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Challenges in Make in India for Ports and Shipping

The Make in India for Ports and Shipping has boosted growth still the continuous issues demanding improvements are important to unlock the prospect of Make in India for boosting domestic edge and global competitiveness.

  • Infrastructure Deficiencies: There is still some way to go for India’s ports regarding the general infrastructure: this includes lack of large-scale shipbuilding facilities, lack of port connectivity, etc.
  • Technological Gaps: Most of the shipyards and port facilities’ technological standards remain lower compared to technological developments in the rest of the world.
  • Global Competition: Local manufacturers and suppliers, especially in the shipbuilding and port infrastructure industries, still experience keen competition from international players.
  • Policy Implementation: The policies, while existing, could take time and be inefficient in their execution, and therefore slow the growth of the sector.
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The Make in India for Ports and Shipping provides an active direction for enhancing Indian maritime industry capability while minimizing dependency on foreign equipment. Also by encouraging technological advancement and promoting investments, Make in India initiative also helps increase the viability of the industry in shipbuilding and ports infrastructures in India. There are obstacles like inadequate physical infrastructures, weak technologies and international competition. Sustaining these challenges and ensuring right policy coherence for implementation of India's maritime vision will be imperative to effectively transform and realise the prospects of the trade policy aimed at placing India on the global map of maritime industry, enhancing its shores’ shipping and port sectors.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Make in India initiative for Ports and Shipping?

Make in India for Ports and Shipping facilitates the development of the domestic shipbuilding industry, decreases the importing of marine goods, and improves the application of modern technologies to improve the competitive advantage in the international maritime market.

What are the benefits of the Make in India initiative for Ports and Shipping?

The Make in India initiative provides incentives to develop a manufacturing ecosystem, creates employment opportunities across manufacturing, logistics and port sector, encourages investment through schemes such as Production Linked Incentive (PLI), enhances technology in shipbuilding and port sector, and boosts India’s competitiveness in the global maritime sector.

What key policies support the Make in India initiative for Ports and Shipping?

Some of the primary policy measures are the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme that encourages the domestic manufacturing of shipbuilding components and the Public Procurement Order (PPP-MII) that mandates that government’s relevant building parts and equipment purchase be sourced domestically.

How does the Make in India initiative help India become a maritime leader?

Through promotion and support of manufacturing within the country, development of technologies and investment, the program intends to create a maritime nation and bring upgrades in the shipbuilding industry of India, transform existing ports and establish a superiority of the country in shipping and trading industries across the globe.

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