Updated on February 24, 2025 05:18:40 PM
MEIS was launched as part of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) for the period 2015 - 2020. The MEIS was created as an incentive program to encourage exports of products. The incentives are provided through duty credit credits to exporters. The MEIS is announced to the DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade) and is implemented through the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
The primary goal of the MEIS scheme in India was to encourage the production and export of specified goods and products. This MEIS award was determined based solely on Free on Board (FOB) value of INR 5 lakh if exports are worth higher than INR 5 lakhs per shipment. In this program duty credit scrips, which are awarded to exporters in the form of awards can be transferred freely and used to fulfill the following purposes:
The goal of the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) is to compensate for the inefficiencies in infrastructure and the expenses associated with the export of goods and products made or produced in India, particularly products with high levels of export efficiency and employment potential, and to increase India's competitiveness on the global market.
Credit scrips for duty can be used to pay customs duty on imports of inputs or products, including anti-dumping duties and other customs levies. Even though MEIS was discontinued and replaced by the RODTEP Scheme , exporters were previously permitted to request a portion of their duty credit, with each part limited to INR 5 lakh. The request could be made after the scrip had been issued, as long as it was made via an identical registration portal used when initially requested. But, this method was only applicable to ports that were Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) enabled. In the event of ports that are not EDI enabled it was impossible to divide the duty credit scrip after it was issued. The MEIS scheme provided exporters with the possibility of importing payments and settling them as well as eliminating several structural flaws that existed in previous incentive programs.
As part of the FTP 2015-20, MEIS intends to incentivize exports of products made by India or manufactured in India. The incentives will be given to goods frequently exported from India and industries that produce or produce these goods in order to make Indian imports competitive.
MEIS includes goods that are notified for the purposes to be covered by the scheme. The incentives offered under the schemes are calculated in percentages, which are 2 %, 3%, and 5% realization of FOB (Free-on-Board) value of exports in foreign exchange free of charge as well as FOB values of exported goods per shipping invoices in the free exchange. The incentives are distributed via the MEIS tax credit and a scrip for duty. "Free Forex is a foreign exchange earned via international credit cards as well as other instruments that are permitted to be used by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
MEIS Incentive Rates and How to Calculate It
Five schemes rewarded the export of items with varied duty credits, each with its own set of restrictions. In 2000, the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme replaced all previous schemes. MEIS Duty Credit Scrip was the mechanism by which MEIS benefits were delivered in proportions (2%, 33%, or 5%) of the FOB value of the covered exports. The scrip could be used to pay a variety of taxes and levies, including customs, excise, and service taxes. Script inputs and outputs were transferable. Exporters were thus allowed to use a broader choice of options.
Below are a few factors that were used to determine if MEIS was eligible:
The exporter is required to provide proof of landing documents for an MEIS reward. As evidence of landing of export consignment in notified Market the exporter can submit one of these documents:
MEIS Application Filing procedure is described in step-by-step steps here:
Registering with the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) costs 24,999 plus GST and is a one-time payment.
There are no additional government fees for MEIS registration.
The segments or categories that are listed below are not eligible to MEIS incentive programs:
(1) Austria | (11) France | (21) Netherlands |
(2) Belgium | (12) Germany | (22) Poland |
(3) Bulgaria | (13) Greece | (23) Portugal |
(4) Canada | (14) Hungary | (24) Romania |
(5) Croatia | (15) Ireland | (25) Slovak Republic |
(6) Cyprus | (16) Italy | (26) Slovenia |
(7) Czech Republic | (17) Latvia | (27) Spain |
(8) Denmark | (18) Lithuania | (28) Sweden |
(9) Estonia | (19) Luxembourg | (29) United Kingdom |
(10) Finland | (20) Malta | (30) United States of America |
(1)Algeria, | (51)Grenada, | (101)Russia, |
(2) Angola, | (52)Guadeloupe, | (102)Rwanda, |
(3) Antigua, | (53)Guatemala, | (103)Sao Tome, |
(4) Argentina, | (54)Guinea, | (104)Saudi Arab, |
(5) Armenia, | (55)Guinea Bissau, | (105)Senegal, |
(6) Azerbaijan, | (56)Guyana, | (106)Seychelles, |
(7) Bahamas, | (57)Haiti, | (107)Sierra Leone, |
(8) Bahrain , | (58)Honduras, | (108)Singapore, |
(9) Barbados, | (59)Indonesia, | (109)Somalia, |
(10) Belarus, | (60)Iran, | (110)South Africa, |
(11) Belize, | (61)Iraq, | (111)St Helena, |
(12) Benin, | (62)Israel, | (112)St Kitt N A |
(13) Bermuda, | (63)Jamaica, | (113)St Lucia, |
(14) Bolivia, | (64)Japan, | (114)St Vincent, |
(15) Botswana, | (65)Jordan, | (115)Sudan, |
(16) British Virgin Islands, | (66)Kazakhstan, | (116)Suriname, |
(17) Brazil, | (67)Kenya, | (117)Swaziland, |
(18) Brunei, | (68)Korea Republic (south Korea), | (118)Syria, |
(19) Burkina Faso, | (69)Kuwait, | (119)Taiwan, |
(20) Burundi, | (70)Kyrgyzstan, | (120)Tajikistan, |
(21) Central African Republic, | (71)Lao PDR | (121)Tanzania Republic, |
(22) Cambodia, | (72)Lebanon, | (122)Thailand, |
(23) Cameroon, | (73)Lesotho, | (123)Togo, |
(24) Canary Island, | (74)Liberia, | (124)Trinidad, |
(25) Cape Verde Island, | (75)Libya, | (125)Tunisia, |
(26) Cayman Island, | (76)Madagascar, | (126)Turkey, |
(27) Chad, | (77)Malawi, | (127)Turkmenistan, |
(28) Chile, | (78)Malaysia, | (128)Turks and Caicos Island |
(29) China PRP, | (79)Mali, | (129)United Arab Emirates |
(30) Colombia, | (80)Martinique, | (130)Uganda, |
(31) Comoros, | (81)Mauritania, | (131)Ukraine, |
(32) Congo Democratic Republic, | (82)Mauritius, | (132)Uruguay, |
(33) Congo Republic, | (83)Mexico, | (133)Uzbekistan, |
(34) Costa Rica, | (84)Moldova, | (134)Venezuela, |
(35) Cote D' Ivoire, | (85)Montserrat, | (135)Vietnam Socialist Republic |
(36) Cuba, | (86)Morocco, | (136)Virgin Island Us |
(37) Djibouti, | (87)Mozambique, | (137)Yemen Republic |
(38) Dominic Rep, | (88)Myanmar, | (138)Zambia, |
(39) Dominica, | (89)Namibia, | (139)Zimbabwe. |
(40) Ecuador, | (90)Netherland Antilles, | _ |
(41) Egypt , | (91)Nicaragua, | _ |
(42) El Salvador, | (92)Niger, | _ |
(43) Equatorial Guinea, | (93)Nigeria, | _ |
(44) Ethiopia, | (94)Oman, | _ |
(45) Falkland Island, | (95)Panama Republic, | _ |
(46) French Guiana, | (96)Paraguay, | _ |
(47) Gabon, | (97)Peru, | _ |
(48) Gambia, | (98)Philippines, | _ |
(49) Georgia, | (99)Qatar, | _ |
(50) Ghana, | (100)Reunion, | _ |
(1)Afghanistan, | (25) Hong Kong, | (49) Palau, |
(2) Albania, | (26) Iceland, | (50) Panama, |
(3) American Samoa, | (27) Kiribati Rep, | (51) Papua New Guyana, |
(4) Andorra, | (28) Korea DPR (North Korea), | (52) Pitcairn Islands, |
(5) Anguilla, | (29) Liechtenstein, | (53) Puerto Rico, |
(6) Antarctica, | (30) Macao, | (54) SaharwiA.Dm Republic, |
(7) Aruba, | (31) Macedonia, | (55) Samoa, |
(8) Australia, | (32) Maldives, | (56) San Marino, |
(9) Bangladesh, | (33) Marshall Islands, | (57) Serbia, |
(10) Bhutan, | (34) Micronesia, | (58) Solomon Island, |
(11) Bosnia and Herzegovina, | (35) Monaco, | (59) Sri Lanka DSR, |
(12) Channel Islands, | (36) Mongolia, | (60) St Pierre, |
(13) Christmas Islands, | (37) Montenegro, | (61) Switzerland, |
(14) Cocos Islands, | (38) N. Mariana Islands, | (62) Timor Leste, |
(15) Cook Islands, | (39) Nauru Republic, | (63) Tokelau Islands, |
(16) Eritrea, | (40) Nepal, | (64) Tonga, |
(17) Faroe Islands, | (41) Neutral Zone, | (65) Tuvalu, |
(18) Fiji Island, | (42) New Caledonia, | (66) Serbia |
(19) French Polynesia, | (43) New Zealand, | (67) Montenegro, |
(20) French Southern and Antarctic Lands (Fr S Ant Tr), | (44) Niue Islands, | (68)Vanuatu Republic, |
(21) Gibraltar, | (45) Norfolk Islands, | (69) Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands |
(22) Greenland, | (46) Norway, | (70) Any other country not listed in the Country Groups abovewill be treated as part of Country Group C |
(23) Guam, | (47) Pacific Islands, | (70 Countries) |
(24) Heard Macdonald, | (48) Pakistan, | _ |
It is believed that the MEIS scheme was important in improving the country's export potential, in addition to offering a duty credit incentive rate and addressing a variety of structural challenges confronting exporters. It enabled merchants and producers to expand their worldwide markets while maintaining economic stability. While MEIS has been replaced by the RoDTEP scheme, it actually opened the way for the development of India's standing in the global market. Exporters must also continue to look for new government schemes, such as the RoDTEP, to ensure that they benefit from the same advantages, as well as avoid violating new trade policy changes as they strengthen their positions on the global market.
At Professional Utilities, we leverage our industry knowledge and expertise to help businesses navigate complex regulations, minimize risks, and optimize operations for maximum efficiency and profitability.
The MEIS Scheme provides benefits to both SEZ (special economic zones) and EOU (Export Oriented Units). The Indian government has yet to specify the minimum turnover criteria for claiming the MEIS.
A plan aiming to compensate exporters for inefficiency and associated expenses. Duty Credit Scrips and the items purchased with them, whether imported or domestically, are freely transferable.
RoDTEP stands for "Remission of Duties and Taxes on Export Products." This is a new plan that was effective from January 1, 2021. It replaced the old MEIS (Merchandise Exports from India Scheme). The method ensures that exporters obtain refunds for embedded taxes and tariffs that were previously not refundable.
To claim duty credit scrip entitlements under MEIS, you should complete an online application in form ANF 3A and sign it digitally.
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