Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board (RSPCB)

Updated on December 26, 2024 01:21:56 PM

The Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board (RSPCB) was formed under section 4 of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 on 7th February 1975 with the main motive of controlling, preventing, and reducing Air Pollution under the norms of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 was implemented to make the board financially independent. RSPCB has the power to collect Cess depending on the water consumed by the industries.

The Rajasthan Pollution Board has 13 authorised labs for testing samples and 15 regional offices spread all over the state. It provides Consent Noc and its renewal to industries falling into red, orange, and green categories.

What is Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board?

The Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board, or RSPCB, was established with the intention of preventing and controlling pollution of the air and water. The board is financially autonomous because of the 1977 passage of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, which gives the state board the authority to collect Cess based on the amount of water consumed by various industries. The Environment Protection Act, 1986, was passed, greatly expanding the Board's purview. This Act behaves as an umbrella law. Many rules come under this to handle various industries issues.

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Objectives of Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board and NOC

The following are the objectives of RSPCB registration:

  • Reduce the need for pollution management by shifting the new industries to the right places and moving existing ones as necessary.
  • Increase the amount of sewage and industrial waste that is recycled or reused, and use appropriately treated waste on lands used for industrial and agricultural purposes.
  • Create a welcoming environment and encourage the right partnerships for Rajasthan’s governance structures.
  • Successfully control water and air pollution as well as maintain and improve the overall quality of the water for a variety of uses.
  • Reduce pollution at its source while taking into account the gaseous and liquid effluent's techno-economic feasibility.
  • Make sure to prevent natural streams from being contaminated by the unprocessed municipal waste flowing through them.
  • Creating and overseeing the implementation of a comprehensive plan for the prevention, control, or reduction of air pollution, as well as contaminating of streams and wells, within the state.
  • To advice the state government on any issue relating to pollution management, prevention, or source identification.
  • Gather data on pollution, spread it, and implement the appropriate prevention and control measures.
  • To promote the research and analysis of pollution-related matters, conduct such research, and participate in such research.
  • To organize coaching of people participating in programs on pollution prevention and management and create mass education initiatives related to it in partnership with the Central Pollution Board.
  • To review treatment plant plans, specifications, and other related data, along with waste materials, trade effluents, and plants that handle them.
  • To classify state waters and set annual effluent standards for waste products, trade effluents, and receiving waters (apart from water in interstate streams) impacted by effluent discharge.
  • To make progress in creating dependable, reasonably priced waste treatment techniques that take into consideration the regional variations in soil, climate, and water resources.
  • To create plans for using appropriate trade effluents and waste materials in agriculture.
  • To develop cost-effective methods for trash disposal.
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Validity of Consent by Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board

For CTO:

The state board grants permission to operate for a period of 5, 10, and 15 years, for the red, orange, and green categories respectively.

For CTE:

The state board will grant permission to establish for a duration of 3 to 5 years, and if the project needs an extension in the period of validity, they must request it four months before the consent to establish expires and provide justification.

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Documents required to get Consent Certificates by Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board

To obtain Consent Certificates (Consent to Establish (CTE) and Consent to Operate (CTO)) from the Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board (RSPCB), the following documents are generally required:

  • For Consent To Establish (CTE)
  • For Consent To Operate (CTO)
  1. Online Application Form
  2. Proof of consent fee payment
  3. Layout plan mentioning total available space within the unit
  4. Documents related to land ownership
  5. List of names of addresses of all directors and partners
  6. Project report certified by CA
  7. Evidence of a groundwater abstraction application submitted before the CGWA or a self-declaration stating that no groundwater will be extracted.
  8. Proposal of STP of appropriate capacity. (if applicable)
  9. Udyog Aadhar/ DIC acknowledgment/ Udhyam Registration Certificate (if applicable)
  10. Environmental Clearance or self-declaration (if applicable)
  1. Online Consent Application Form
  2. List of machinery installed
  3. Proof of production
  4. Monitoring reports for different sources of emission or effluents as applicable, and accreditation from State Board Laboratory or laboratories recognised by MoEF or CPCB
  5. Proof of deposit of fees for consent certificate
  6. Proof of CTE
  7. Proof of compliance report (for renewal)
  8. Proof of Installed Pollution Control Measures and its feasibility report
  9. Analysis report of the stack monitoring and noise level (if applicable)
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Procedure to get Consent Certificate from RSPCB

The registration process can be broken down into the following steps:

Step-1: Application and document submission

The applicant needs to pay the required amount and submit an online application for consent through the board's MIS page. Documents that are duly certified must be uploaded in accordance with the RSPCB's checklist.

Step-2: Reviewing the application

After submission, the application and the documents attached are examined closely by both CTE and CTO, depending on the application stage.

Step-3: Verification and inspect

If the board is pleased with the application, a site inspection is planned. After visiting the location, the inspecting officer writes the inspection report. A field inspection is conducted when a manufacturer is filing a certificate to operate.

Step-4: Grant of Certificate

Decisions about approval or rejection will be made within the stipulated time, provided that a complete application and an acceptable inspection report are submitted. the applicant will be notified to download the CTO from the website once it is issued online.

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In conclusion, CPCB guidelines are established to prevent and control the pollution, and to ensure that these guidelines are followed in each state, state boards have been formed and RSPCB is also part of it. Following its obligation, RSPCB ensures to protect the environment by controlling and preventing the pollution released by the establishments. RSPCB also issues CTE and CTO certificates to industries. They categorized the industries into red, orange, green, and white categories for regulation. They provide advice to the state government on pollution prevention and control measures. So if you want to have smooth operations, industries need to obtain clearances from RSPCB.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is RSPCB?

Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board (RSPCB) is responsible for controlling, monitoring, and preventing pollution levels in the state and also gives advice to the state government on controlling pollution.

What is the RSPCB consent certificate and RSPCB registration?

RSPCB issues the certificate document to the industrial unit that has been granted consent to establish and operate and registration is a process of registering an industrial unit with the RSPCB. This is a mandatory registration for all industrial units in Rajasthan.

How is RSPCB has classified its industrial activities?

RSPCB has categorised its industrial activities into four categories, A, B, C, and H. Category A industries have the lowest potential for causing environmental pollution, while H industries are considered to have the highest potential for causing environmental pollution.

What is the H- category?

H-category is a category used by RSPCB to classify industries on their pollution potential. H-category industries are considered to have a high potential for causing environmental pollution and require stringent monitoring and control measures.

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