Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board

Updated on December 26, 2024 01:32:57 PM

The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board is tasked with enforcing the laws regarding protecting the environment in Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu Pollution Board has been working to control and prevent water and air pollution in the state. The primary function of the board includes granting consent under the Water and Air Act, as well as overseeing environmental law compliance of industries in the state.

TNPCB operates with a Chennai head office, eight zonal offices, and 38 district offices. The chairman runs the Board office, Joint Chief Environmental Engineers run the Zonal offices, District Environmental Engineers run the 38 District offices, and Assistant Environmental Engineers run the three AEE offices.

What is Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board?

The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) is a statutory organization working under the Department of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Tamil Nadu State, Govt. of Tamil Nadu. As an agency of government, it ensures the implementation of environmental laws and standards to check pollution in the state’s environment. TNPCB regularly measures, analyzes and supervises air, water & soil monitoring data, issues PCC (pollution control consent to establish and operate), and checks conformance to environmental norms & standards by the industries. It also provides and implements environmental sensitization programs and also offers policy advice to the government on environmental issues. TNPCB operates under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, promoting sustainable development.

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Objectives of Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board and NOC

The following are the objectives of TNPCB registration and NOC:


  • To Collaborate with the CPCB in order to plan public education campaigns and training for individuals participating in or wishing to participate in initiatives related to the mitigation, reduction, or prevention of air and water pollution.
  • Develop the most effective, commercially viable treatment solution for trade effluents and sewage.
  • To assess wastewater and trade treatment plant's effluent efficiency and to look over the plans and specifications for remedial actions.
  • Examine areas where air pollution is managed to assess the quality of the air and implement preventative, remedial, or reduction measures.
  • To advise the state government on any issue about the reduction of water pollution and air pollution, including prevention, control, and mitigation
  • To collect samples of air pollution emissions, sewage, and trade effluents, then assess those samples according to a set of criteria.

No Objection Certificate:

  • Reducing pollution at the source is the best course of action, but it's also important to consider the responsiveness of the surrounding environment, financial feasibility, and recent technological advancements. This goal is achieved by establishing disposal standards and low governing gaseous emissions.
  • Pollution can be reduced by choosing appropriate sites for the development of new industrial applications or estates.
  • One can improve the state’s ecology by implementing the laws into practice.
  • Reduce water use and operational expenses by maximizing recycling and reuse of commercial and wastewater discharge for agricultural and industrial purposes following adequate treatment.
  • Establishing policies and practices to maximize reuse, recycling, and disposal of hazardous waste.
  • To advance the investigation and assessment of pollution-related issues, as well as the conduct and participation in such research.
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Important Committees under Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board Certificate

  1. For Consent
    • District-Level Consent Clearance Committee (DLCCC): To grant all orange small category units and all sizes of green category units CTE and CTO, the board has established a District-Level Consent Clearance Committee.
    • Zonal Level Consent Clearance Committee (ZLCCC): In order to provide CTE and CTO for all Red small, Orange large, and Orange medium units, the board has established a Zonal Level Consent Clearance Committee.
    • Consent Clearance Committee (CCC): A Consent Clearance Committee has been formed by the board to provide CTE and CTO for all red large and medium category units.
    • Technical Sub Committee (TSC): A technical Sub-Committee has been formed by the board to grant CTE and CTO status to all Red large and medium category units.
  2. Regarding the Pollution Load Assessment Committee (PLAC) expansion, modernization, and product mix in the current Environmental Clearance system.
  3. District-level action against the polluting/illegal units- District Co-Ordination Committee (DCC).
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Documents required to get Consent Certificates by Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board

The following are the documents required for consent:

  • Consent to Establishment
  • Consent to Operate
  1. Covering requisition letter comprising the status of industry and activities clearly
  2. Site/location plan of the industry
  3. land/site documents which may include rent or lease agreement
  4. SSI
  5. certificate
  6. Attested copy of partnership/ MOA or Article of Association
  7. Certificate of Revenue Authority/Undertaking that industry is established in an industrial area or allotment letter of the designated authority
  8. Topo Sketch
  9. Hazardous waste management details
  10. Schematic diagram
  11. Manufacturing process
  12. Information water and wastewater balance
  13. Details of material balance
  14. Auditor’s certificate
  15. Consent fee under Water and Air Acts to be paid to TNPCB
  16. Groundwater clearance from the competent authority
  17. Sewage Treatment Plant Proposal
  18. Effluent Treatment Plant Proposal
  19. Air pollution control measures proposal
  20. Risk assessment report/Onsite emergency preparedness plan
  21. Industries included in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) shall also submit environmental clearance (If applicable)
  22. Coastal Regulation Zones (CRZ) clearance from the competent authority
  1. Covering requisition letter comprising the status of industry and activities clearly
  2. Details of the manufacturing process in the form of a flow chart
  3. Proof of date of commissioning of the industry
  4. Compliance report on the No Objection Certificate (NOC)/ certificate to establish special conditions under the Act
  5. Land use classification authorization as obtained from CMDA/DTCP/LPA
  6. Completion certificate
  7. Audited Balance Sheet
  8. Changes in the effluents from the industry
  9. Changes in the Emissions from the industry
  10. Details of manufactured product
  11. Information on amendments in the name of the management/Board of Directors
  12. Analysis report of the wastewater treatment plant
  13. Annual report as stipulated under Hazardous Waste Management Rules
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Validity of NOC by Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board

The validity period for the Consent to Establish will be seven years for all EIA projects whereas non-EIA projects is five years. Consent to Operate for orange categories shall be ten years, and for green industries, which will have fourteen years of validity.

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Procedure for acquiring consent certificate by Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board

The registration process can be broken down into the following steps:

Step-1: Filing an application

Large, medium, and small-scale manufacturers are required to submit their applications in the prescribed format, along with site information, registration certificates, and other supporting documentation. This completed application, the necessary documents, and any related payments must be delivered to the TNPCB.

Step-2: Review of application

Once the application is submitted through the online platform, the application and the attached documents are reviewed by the Tamil Nadu state-level consent committee as per the stipulated guidelines.

Step-3: Inspection

After reviewing the application, authorized personnel conduct an inspection, after which the inspection report is prepared.

Step-4: Grant of Certificate

If the inspection report is up to the mark, then the consent certificate is granted to the manufacturer by the TNPCB.

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Industries Categorization under Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board

The categorization processes have been primarily based on the scale of the industries and resources consumption, and pollution from the release of pollutants and effluents, as well as its anticipated impact on health, has not been regarded as a primary criterion.

The categories are as follows:

  • Red category: Industrial sector with pollution Index Scores of 60 or higher
  • Orange category: Industrial sector with pollution Index Scores of 41 to 59
  • Green category: Industrial sector with pollution Index Scores of 21 to 40
  • White category: Industrial sectors having pollution index score between 0 to 20.
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In conclusion, CPCB guidelines are established to prevent and control pollution and to ensure that these guidelines are followed in each state. State boards have been formed and TNPCB is also part of it. Following its obligation, TNPCB ensures to protect the environment by controlling and preventing the pollution released by the establishments. TNPCB also issued CTE and CTO certificates to industries, they categorized the industries into red, orange, green, and white categories for regulation. They provide advice to the state government on pollution prevention and control measures. So if you want to have smooth operations, industries need to obtain clearances from TNPCB.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is TNPCB?

The TNPCB is a statutory body established by the Government of Tamil Nadu. The board is responsible for controlling and preventing water and air pollution in the state of Tamil Nadu. The board is also responsible for enforcing and monitoring environmental laws and regulations in the state.

What is the validity of the TNPCB certificate?

The validity of the TNPCB certificate is five years from the date of issue.

What is the Tamil Nadu Pollution Registration and Certificate?

The Tamil Nadu Pollution Registration and Certificate is a document issued by TNPCB to an industrial unit in the state of Tamil Nadu.

How the TNPCB has classified its Industrial activities?

The TNPCB has classified its industrial activities into four categories: Red, Orange, Green, and White. Red-category industries have the highest potential for causing environmental pollution, while the White category has the lowest potential for causing environmental pollution.

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