Rubber Board Registration - Cost, Procedure & Documents

Updated on March 07, 2025 03:03:39 PM

The Rubber Board is a government organization that promotes and develops the rubber industry in India. They provide technical, financial, and promotional support to rubber farmers, manufacturers, and traders/exporters. They also conduct research and development to improve the quality of rubber products and increase productivity.

A crucial function of the Rubber Board is issuing licenses to rubber producers, manufacturers, and exporters/traders. This license, known as the "Rubber Board license/registration," is mandatory for anyone involved in rubber manufacturing and export. The license is issued and renewed annually based on guidelines set by the board. It ensures compliance with rules and regulations and helps the board keep track of licensed activities.

In addition to issuing licenses, the Rubber Board offers training and educational programs to improve industry knowledge and skills. They also host trade fairs and exhibitions to showcase the latest rubber products and technologies. The Rubber Board plays a vital role in the development and growth of the rubber industry and MSMEs in India and is dedicated to providing support to industry stakeholders.

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Classification of Rubber Under Rubber board

Classification of rubber board

    Here’s a quick overview of the different types of rubber classified by the Rubber Board, helping you understand their unique properties and uses.

  1. Natural rubber: Natural rubber is a polymer that is derived from the sap of certain types of trees, primarily the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis). It has a wide range of uses, including in the manufacturing of tires for automobiles, footwear, clothing, and medical devices.
  2. Synthetic rubber: Synthetic rubber is a type of rubber that is made in a laboratory using chemicals, instead of being derived from trees. It has similar properties to natural rubber, but it can be made in a controlled environment and can be customized to have specific properties. It is widely used in various industrial applications.
  3. Reclaimed rubber: Reclaimed rubber, also known as recycled rubber, is made by grinding scrap rubber and rubber products and then processing it to make it usable again. It's widely used in manufacturing of various industrial products such as tires, conveyor belts, rubber mats.
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Types of Rubber Board License

Rubber board has classified its licensing into following types of categories. There are 3 main categories of Rubber Board registration

  1. Dealer License: Individuals or companies looking to trade in rubber must apply for a "Rubber Dealer's/exporter license" using Form B. The application must be accompanied by an affidavit, an attested photograph of the applicant, and documentation to verify the applicant's right to possess the proposed business premises and storage.
  2. Processor License: Applicants looking to acquire rubber for processing and trader they must apply for a "Rubber processor license" using Form B1.
  3. Manufacturer License: Businesses looking to purchase or acquire rubber for manufacturing must submit an application to the Rubber Board using Form D. The manufacturer license is issued to acquire a specific quantity of rubber and must be renewed annually

In addition to these 3 categories, There is also a special category called "Others- Special Authorization" for those who wish to acquire natural rubber.

So, whether you're a dealer, processor, manufacturer or exporter, looking to acquire natural rubber, be sure to familiarize yourself with the different kind of Rubber Board Licenses and the forms required to apply for them.

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Documents to obtain Rubber Board License

A leather exporter can become a member by applying online. The Following are the required documents:

  • Proof of ownership: In case of a Proprietorship/Partnership/Pvt. Ltd/Co-operative society
  • PAN and Aadhaar card of the owner of the firm
  • IEC code for exporters
  • NOC form pollution board (in case of processor)
  • Project report in case of processor plant
  • License copy, in case rubber license, held previously (if applicable)
  • Total quantity of the rubber purchased and sold during the previous 5 year
Document required for Rubber Board
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Fees for Rubber Board License

The registration cost for obtaining a Rubber Board License depends on the applicant's requirements and the type of license chosen.

For new Registration-cum-Membership Certificate (RCMC), the fee is INR 5,000 plus 18% GST, bringing the total to INR 5,900.

Validity of license

The rubber board license is valid for the block period of 3 years from the day of its issuance.

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Process for Rubber Board Online Registration?

    To obtain a Rubber Board Registration in India, follow these steps:

  1. Online Application: Applicants are required to fill the From as per their requirements and kind of business they operate in. The application for rubber board online registration can be submitted online on respective portal.
  2. Verification of Documents: Once the registration application is successfully submitted authorities will verify the application and documentation for any discrepancy.
  3. Issuance of License: The registration certificate of rubber board will be issued to respective applicants as per the rules once the verification & documentation process is completes by the authorities.
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How to apply for Rubber Board Registration - With Profesional Utilities

  • get in touch icon
  • documents required icon
  • get llp registered icon

Step 1:
Get in touch via call or contact form

Step 2:
Provide necessary documents

Step 3:
Get your Rubber Board Certificate

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Benefits of Rubber Board License

    Obtaining a Rubber Board License offers several advantages for stakeholders in the rubber industry:

  • Services for small growers, large growers and Rubber Producer's Societies (RPS)
  • Services for the business communities such as dealers, processors, exporters, importers and manufacturers
  • HRD related services- such as training and development, Labour welfare services, etc
  • Information dissemination & grievance redressal
  • Setting up information & knowledge hub on rubber
  • Automating and aligning the internal processes
  • ICT enabling of its subordinate offices and Rubber Producers Societies for empowerment
  • MSMEs can also opt for rubber board registration for subsidies from the board as per their requirements
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Code of conduct For License Holder

According to the Rubber Act and its corresponding Rules, those who hold a license are required to submit various forms of statutory returns to the Rubber Board.

  • Specifically, licensed dealers must submit a true and accurate monthly return in form H2 and L, detailing their acquisition, holding, and disposal of rubber stock.
  • Licensed processors must also submit a monthly return in Form H3 and L1, providing information on the rubber they have acquired, held, and used for processing.
  • Manufacturers are required to submit correct monthly return in Form K and L, outlining their rubber stock, as well as an annual return in Form K1, detailing the different types of rubber used. These returns must be submitted to the Rubber Board by April 30th of the following year.
  • Furthermore, all licensees must keep accurate records of their business and make them available for inspection by authorized officers of the Rubber Board upon request.
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Penal Provisions for Non-compliance

    Non-compliance with the Rubber Board's regulations can lead to significant consequences for dealers, processors, and manufacturers in the rubber industry. Key penal provisions include:

  • Cancellation of License: The Rubber Board shall have the power to revoke registration on any dealer, processor, or manufacturer determined to acquire such license by representation of false or misleading information.
  • Non-filing of Returns: Licensees must submit necessary returns laid down in the law under the relevant provisions. Non-compliance or absence of such filing is liable to lead the licensee to imposed fine or suspension of license.
  • Violation of License Condition: On violation of the condition as prescribed in the license, legal actions can be taken against the concerned person, including the filing of prosecution under the provisions of the Rubber Act.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who are eligible for rubber board registration?

Any exporter, manufacturer, farmer and processor of rubber are eligible to apply for a rubber board license.

What is validity period of rubber board license?

The validity period of rubber board registration is up to block period of 3 years.

How to get rubber board license in kerala?

You can apply online with Professional Utilities to get your rubber board license.

Our process is simple and hassle free:-

  1. Provide us the details & documents
  2. Filing of application & submission of fee
  3. Issuance of license respectively by rubber board of India
How to get subsidies under rubber board?

In order to avail benefits of subsidies applicant must have a valid license issued by rubber board. Their are many scheme and subsidies available licencee of rubber board such as plantation scheme for grower of rubber plant.

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