ZED Certification: How to get ZED certificate in India

Updated on December 17, 2024 05:13:56 PM

ZED Certification is a substantial drive to create recognition amongst Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises about the Zero Defect Zero Effect (ZED) movement and incentivise them for ZED Certification while also motivating them to become MSME Leader. Zero Defect Zero Effect means that the goods should be manufactured in such a way that it should carry zero defects & they are never returned due to quality parameters, while zero effect means that the manufacturing should support sustainable development & it should have zero negative impact on the environment. Zed Certificate is valid for a period of 3 Years from the date of issuance of certificate.

The ZED Certification aims at strengthening the competitiveness of an organization by guidance, assessment, handholding, managerial, modification, technological intervention and not just certification. Few objectives of ZED certification are :

  • Encourage & enable Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) for assembling & manufacturing of good quality products using latest technology, tools & to constantly upgrade their processes for achieving optimum result with the least effect on the environment.
  • Promote adoption of Zero Defect Zero Effect practices & recognising the efforts of successful Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises.
  • Increasing public awareness on demanding Zero Defect & Zero Effect products through the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises.
  • Create & expand an Ecosystem for ZED Manufacturing in MSMEs, for enhancing competitiveness and enabling exports.

ZED Certificate Sample

  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Golden
  • Assessment
zed bronze certificate sample
zed silver certificate sample
ZED golden certificate sample
ZED MSME certificate sample

Documents required for Zed Certification


Leadership should drive the organization towards growth by inculcating Zero Defect Zero Effect culture. Activities that may be included (but not limited to):

  • Communicating & directing all stakeholders on the ZED culture/practices
  • Periodically reviewing organizational performance on the ZED parameters including regulatory requirements

Swachh Workplace

Identify and implement systems based on the requirements for cleanliness & hygiene that may include statutory & regulatory requirements, customer requirements, process and product requirements. Activities that may be included (but not limited to):

  • Proper nomenclature and labeling of buildings/units/ yards/areas
  • Task Identification based on the nature of the task (housekeeping / process cleaning / maintenance etc.)
  • Employee Role Assignment with well-defined responsibilities – who will do what
  • Training of all employees on Cleanliness & Hygiene requirements
  • Identifying & implementing hygiene requirements (including personal hygiene) as per regulatory (FSSAI), customer, process and product requirements, including Pest Control
  • Cleaning in Place (CIP) or Cleaning Out of Place (CIP) systems, verification and validation of cleaning effectiveness
  • Documentation / SOPs/ Log-sheets depicting activity schedules
  • Ensuring proper Work Area Layout for process isolation / containment
  • Periodic audits/checks and action plan in case of deviations, if any, identify Root Cause and take Corrective & Preventive Actions (CAPA)

Occupational (Workplace) Safety

Identify and implement safety systems based on Hazard Analysis & Risk Assessment to identify safety requirements including statutory & regulatory requirements, customer requirements, process and product requirements. Activities that may be included (but not limited to):

  • Establishing Safety Policy & communicating to all stakeholders including supply chain
  • Training of all employees on safety and safety requirements
  • Providing relevant Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to the employees/workers
  • Signages & Pictograms/Pictures to alert about expected behavioral response, in adequate numbers
  • Maintaining Accident/Incident register to record all incidents or accidents
  • Provision of workers Amenities including personal protection kit, first-aid kit etc.
  • Systems to ensure timely availability of medical/emergency services
  • Maintenance of emergency response equipment
  • Mock drills for emergency evacuations in case of blasts, accidents or fire
  • Periodic Safety audits and action plan in case of deviations and incidents, if any, to identify Root Cause and take Corrective & Preventive Actions (CAPA)

Measurement of Timely Delivery

Identify and implement systems to measure the performance of timely delivery Activities that may be included (but not limited to):

  • Recording contract delivery schedules
  • Monitoring & measuring delivery timelines (On-Time in Full)
  • Use of technology/systems to track and measure the deliveries

Quality Management

Identify quality aspects and implement systems for products and processes to ensure consistent, high quality products and customer satisfaction. Activities that may be included (but not limited to):

  • Establishing Quality Policy & communicating to all stakeholders
  • Identifying quality requirements of the customers, regulators, products and processes and implement systems to fulfill the requirements
  • Identifying quality requirements of the customers, regulators, products and processes and implement systems to fulfill the requirements
  • Ensuring that employees at all levels are involved in quality improvement initiatives
  • Periodic Quality audits and action plan in case of deviations, if any, to identify Root Cause and take Corrective & Preventive Actions (CAPA)

Certification Requirement (Optional)

  • Occupational (Workplace) Safety ISO 45001
  • Quality Management ISO 9001

Photographs Required

  1. Representative Selfie
  2. Site Exterior Photo (2 Photos)
  3. Product Photos
  4. Product Labels & packagings Photo
  5. Energy Source Used
  6. Shop Floor (Max 5 Photographs with pdf copy)
  7. Worker’s Toilet (Max 5 Photographs with pdf copy)
  8. Raw Material Store (Max 5 Photographs with pdf copy)
  9. Finished Goods Store (Max 5 Photographs with pdf copy)
  10. Fire Extinguisher at shop Floor (Max 5 Photographs with pdf copy)
  11. Fire Extinguisher at stores (Max 5 Photographs with pdf copy)
  12. Sand Buckets (Max 5 Photographs with pdf copy)
  13. Employees with Personal Protective Equipments
  14. Safety Posters (Max 5 Photographs with pdf copy)
  15. Other Safety Systems (Max 5 Photographs with pdf copy)
  16. Safety training conducted (Max 5 Photographs with pdf copy)
  17. Record / trend of Deliveries for last 3 months (Max 5 Photographs with pdf copy)
  18. List of training conducted on Quality (Max 5 Photographs with pdf copy)
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Process of ZED Certification

  1. Online Registration on the ZED Portal
  2. Enter valid Udyam & Mobile number
  3. Udyam validation through API
  4. ZED Pledge taken, ID Creation
  5. ZED Application through Dashboard
  6. Online Payment for further process
  7. MSME downloads mobile app for next steps
  8. Basic info and documents submitted by MSME SPOC along with his/her selfie
  9. Geo-tagging and real time data captured and Live Web Monitoring
  10. Case submitted to Master Admin
  11. Case allocated for assessment
  12. Case assessed by assessor
  13. Non-conformances raised by assessor
  14. Non-conformances closed by MSME
  15. Case approved by assessor
  16. Certificate & Report generated
Process of zed certification
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Fees for ZED Certification

The fee for ZED certification assessment varies from level of certifications.

Certification Level Government Fee Professional Fees
1: BRONZE Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 15,000/-
2: SILVER Rs. 40,000/- Rs. 25,000/-
3: GOLD Rs. 90,000/- Rs. 50,000/-

Note: The aformentioned Fees is exclusive of GST.

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Subsidy in ZED Certification

MSME unit gets subsidy on the cost of certification as per the following structure,:

  1. Micro Enterprises: 80%
  2. Small Enterprises: 60%
  3. Medium Enterprises: 50%

Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises may opt for upgrading their ZED Certification Level at any point of time before the expiry of their existing Certificate.

Do's & Don'ts of ZED Certification

Do’s Don’ts
Photographs are captured directly from unit Photos captured from Laptops, computer, documents etc
Photos must be clear Low Resolution / Hazy / unclear
Photos of shop floor where employees are working Photos of carpet, floor, tiles of the shop where employees are working
Photos of Raw material store Photos of raw material
Photos of Finished goods store Photos of Finished goods
Photo of Fire extinguisher clearly showing area of installation Zoomed Photo of Fire extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher clearly showing the date of filling & validity Unclear text & validity of fire extinguisher
Sand Bucket specifically designed for fire & safety at designated place Random Contained with Mud
Employee working wearing industry specific Personal Protective Equipments Employee wearing irrelevant PPE Kits
Poster of Safety displayed at appropriate location Poster on subject not related to safety, faded, torn or unclear photographs
Photos of other safety system such as fire alarm, sprinkler etc Photo of irrelevant safety system like CCTV
Photos of Unit showing Board placed outside premises Photos of unit available but name & address board is not visible
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Benefits of ZED Certification

  1. MSME units registered under Udyam can apply for subsidies under zed certification.
  2. 5% Subsidy for MSMEs involved with SFURTI OR Micro & Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme of the Ministry.
  3. MSMEs will be awarded a joining reward of Rs. 10000 once they take Zed-Pledge.
  4. Waiver, discount, and loan on processing fee from various Banks for zed certification.

NOTE: MSMEs may opt for upgrading their Certification Level at any point of time before the expiry of the validity of their existing ZED Certification. Cost and subsidy will remain the same.

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FAQs on ZED Certificate Registration

What is MSME zero defect zero effect scheme?

Zero defect zero effect scheme (ZED scheme) is launched by government of india to promote small and medium manufacturing industry. Aim of zed certification is to ensure the quality of products. Which means product should be defect free and should be eco friendly.

How much zed certificate cost?

The total government fee for zed certification is as follows:

Type of Zed certification Govt Fees for Zed Certification
Bronze certificate INR 10,000
Silver certificate INR 40,000
Gold certificateINR 90,000 INR 90,000
To promote Zed certification govt also provide subsidies to MSME's.
What is the benefits of zed certificate?
  • Increases credibility of the company
  • Monetary award for taking Zed pledge
  • Waver form banks for certification
  • MSMEs registered under Udyam can also apply
Who issue zed certificate to MSMEs?

Zed certification is issued by Quality Council of India (QCI) after through evaluation the MSME.

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