Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board

Updated on December 26, 2024 03:02:53 PM

The Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board is tasked with enforcing the laws regarding protecting the environment in UP state. Uttar Pradesh Pollution Board has been working to control and prevent water and air pollution in the state. The primary function of the board includes granting consent under the Water and Air Act, as well as overseeing environmental law compliance of industries in the state.

Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board has jurisdiction over its 25 regional offices spread throughout the state, with its Head Office at Lucknow. The board has set up research centers for testing air and water toxins.

What is Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board?

The Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) is a statutory organization working under the Department of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Uttar Pradesh State, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh. As an agency of government, it ensures the implementation of environmental laws and standards to check pollution in the state’s environment. UPPCB regularly measures, analyzes and supervises air, water & soil monitoring data, issues PCC (pollution control consent to establish and operate), and checks conformance to environmental norms & standards by the industries. It also provides and implements environmental sensitization programs and also offers policy advice to the government on environmental issues. UPPCB operates under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, promoting sustainable development.

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Objectives of Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board Registration

The following are the objectives of UPPCB registration:

    • To advise the state government on any issue related to the reduction, prevention, or control of water pollution
    • To spread knowledge about water pollution and ways to avoid, regulate, or eliminate it
    • Collect, compile, and prepare comprehensive and statistical data about pollution of the air and water
    • Establish regulations for sewage, trade effluents, and emissions from manufacturing facilities, vehicles, and healthcare facilities.
    • To help in the development of new technology for the treatment of sewage, trade effluents, and control equipment.
    • Granting permits to various industries, including the ones in Red, Orange, Green, and White categories.
    • Businesses and healthcare facilities can apply for authorization under the following categories e-waste, biomedical waste, hazardous waste management, plastic waste management, battery waste management, and health care facilities
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Documents required to get Consent Certificates by Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board

To obtain Consent Certificates (Consent to Establish (CTE) and Consent to Operate (CTO)) from the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB), the following documents are generally required:

  • Consent to Establish
  • Consent to Operate
  1. A covering requisition letter regarding the updates of the industry and activities clearly
  2. Sales and lease deeds
  3. Memorandum of Articles or registered partnership deed
  4. Schematic diagram
  5. Layout plan
  6. Manufacturing process
  7. Details of water and wastewater balance
  8. Details of material balance
  9. Auditor’s certificate
  10. Land use classification
  11. Consent fee under the Water and Air Acts
  12. Groundwater clearance
  13. Sewage treatment plant proposal
  14. Effluent treatment plant proposal
  15. Air Pollution Control Measures
  16. Environmental clearance
  17. MSDS Certificate
  1. Compliance statement on the CTE
  2. Audited balance sheet
  3. Details of amendments in the effluents from industry
  4. Details of amendments in the emissions from industry
  5. Details of amendments in the name of the management/ Board of Directors
  6. Details of actual product manufactured
  7. Analysis report of the stack monitoring, AAQ, and noise level
  8. Analysis report of the wastewater treatment plant
  9. Compliance report
  10. Compliance report on the latest consent/ renewal of consent under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
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Procedure to get Consent from Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board

The following is the procedure for getting a consent certificate:

Step-1: Filing an application

Manufacturers are required to apply in the given format with site details, registration certificate, etc. This application has to be submitted, along with the documents and applicable fees.

Step-2: Review of application

Following submission to the General Manager, DIC, and Regional officials, the application and the application and the attached documents are reviewed as per the stipulated guidelines.

Step 3: Inspection

An official field inspection visit to the site follows the authorities' review of the application, and it is this visit that serves as the basis for the inspection report.

Step 4: Grant of certificate

If the inspection report is up to the mark, then the consent certificate is granted to the manufacturer by the UPPCB.

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Industries Categorization as per Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board

The categorization processes have been primarily based on the scale of the industries and resources consumption, and pollution from the release of pollutants and effluents, as well as its anticipated impact on health, has not been regarded as a primary criterion. The categories are as follows:

  • Red category: Industrial sectors having a pollution Index score of 60 and above
  • Orange category: Industrial sectors having pollution index score of 41 to 59
  • Green category: Industrial sectors having pollution index score 21 to 40
  • White category: Industrial sectors having pollution index scores up to 20

With the help of categorization, cleaner technology will be adopted by industrial sectors, which will ultimately produce no or very little pollution. It will also make sure that the industry is formed in a way that aligns with environmental goals

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Validity of Consent from Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board

The validity of consent to establish is three years and consent to operate is five years. if the prices for these years are remitted, consent may be given for the orange category for a maximum of 10 years and the green category for a maximum of 15 years.

Validity of the renewed Consent

The maximum timeframe for finishing the process is one week from the date of the completed application is submitted. At three months before its expiry, a request for its renewal must be made. A penalty equal to 25% of the prescribed Consent will be imposed if the renewal applications are received during the last three months of the validity period. A fine equal to 50% of the consent fee must be paid if the application is submitted after the validity period has passed.

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In conclusion, CPCB guidelines are established to prevent and control pollution and to ensure that these guidelines are followed in each state. State boards have been formed and UPPCB is also part of it. Following its obligation, UPPCB ensures to protect the environment by controlling and preventing the pollution released by the establishments. UPPCB also issued CTE and CTO certificates to industries, they categorized the industries into red, orange, green, and white categories for regulation. They provide advice to the state government on pollution prevention and control measures. So if you want to have smooth operations, industries need to obtain clearances from UPPCB.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is UPPCB?

Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) is a government set-up agency responsible for controlling and monitoring pollution in Uttar Pradesh state. The UPPCB is responsible for the implementation of various environmental laws and regulations and for monitoring and controlling pollution in the state.

What is the validity of the UPPCB certificate?

The UPPCB certificate is valid for five years from the date of issuance.

Who requires a certificate from UPPCB?

Any industrial unit located in the state of Uttar Pradesh that is engaged in activities that may cause pollution is required to obtain a UPPCB certificate from UPPCB.

What is the UPPCB consent Certificate and registration?

The UPPCB Consent certificate is a document issued by the UPPCB that grants permission to an Industrial unit to operate in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The UPPCB registration is a document issued by the UPPCB that grants permission for an industrial unit to establish itself in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

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