Leave means “To go away for something for a short time”. An employee is supposed to fulfill both professional and personal commitment so one is supposed to take short time duration off to fulfill personal commitment and such offs must be duly approved by reporting manager then only an employee proceed further. Now this question also originate in the mind that why do we need to have leave policy for employees.
People are the most valuable asset of an organization. Lack of proper leave management can lead to unauthorized absence of employees from duty, lower productivity, fall in productivity hours, missing of important targets and so on. These types of issues can be resolved with a proper Leave Policy Manual for employees in workplace. For instance, if an employee is on leave with no prior information his/her work suffers as nobody is prepared for the unexpected absence. But on similar terms if an employee applies for leave in advance in such case the stakeholder are aware of it and the entire team can manage the work in employee absence so that there is no loss of productivity. Leave Policy when implemented in the company it provides a common understanding between the employer and employee that how leave can be taken while in service.
Some advantages of having a Company HR Leave Policy in place are:
Objective, Purpose and Types of Leave Policy we are allowing:-
Objective:objective of the Leave Policy is to give provision to the employees to balance their personal as well as professional life. This Company HR Leave Policy sample is also meant to fulfill the statutory requirement regarding leave and holidays.
Purpose:The purpose of leave policy for employees is to lay guidelines regarding when to avail leave and the process to take leave with pay, leave without pay, Leave of absence policy and so on.
Eligibility:The Leave policy is applicable to all the regular employees of the company
Guidelines for Leave Policy: - A Company HR Leave Policy for Employees
Types of Leave
There are different types of Leaves given and listed in Company HR Annual Leave Policy. The leaves can be categorized as Annual Paid Leave or Unpaid Leave. Some leave which are approved and granted to an employee basis availability of leave balance are paid leave or leave with pay.However unpaid leave or leave without pay can be availed by an employee at the time of emergency and when no leave balance left.
Casual Leave
Process for Casual Leave
Casual leave applied by an employee. For approval the leave notification will reach the immediate reporting manager. Once approved, approval notification will reach to employee and HR. Leave are deducted from leave balance from the employees account.
Earned Leave
Process for Earned Leave
Employee must apply for earned leave 15 days in advance. Once applied, notification will reach immediate reporting manager. Once approved leave notification will reach employee and HR. Leave balance after deduction will be updated on HRMS
Maternity Leave
Process of Maternity Leave
Leave in case of adoption of child or birth through surrogacy
Process of leave in case of adoption of child or child birth through surrogacy
Leave without pay
Process for availing leave without pay
Compensatory off
Process to avail compensatory loss
Approval of senior management is must for compensatory off. Employee who has worked on national/festival/declared off day can avail leave in lieu of work done on above mentioned days. The day employee is taking compensatory off he/she must inform immediate reporting manager, once approved, it is immediate managers responsibility to inform HR about the same.
Leave of absence policy:The leave of absence policy is defined as an unpaid duly approved absence from work for a limited period of time for medical or personal reasons.
Process of leave of absence policy:
Medical reasons:A request for leave of absence from work must be raised. The request will reach the immediate supervisor and Head of department for approval. An employee is supposed to take approval from Leave of absence from work at least 20 days in advance when the need for leave is foreseeable. In case of leave of absence from work due to medical reasons a certificate from physician need to be submitted to HR.
Personal reason:An employee can apply for Leave of absence from work when in need due to some unforeseen reasons. The maximum days of leave of absence can be applied for six weeks
Cancellation of leave
Extension of leave
Leave calculation on resignation/termination
In case employee has resigned from the services or on termination of employee privilege leave will be calculated till the last working day of the employee and will be paid in full and final settlement of the employee
Revision of the policy
The company reserves the right to revise, modify any or all clauses of this policy depending upon demand of business.
Explanation of Leave policy
Corporate HR department will be sole authority to interpret the content of this policy.
NOTE:- Annual leave, entitlement is 30 days per year and is payable only after one year of continuous service. HOD should book their holiday in time, need to agree dates with EXCOM member or General Manager at least one month before the leave start. The total number of days’ vacation should not exceed 30 days.