A credit report is a detailed breakdown of an individual’s credit history prepared by a credit bureau. Credit bureaus collect financial information about individuals and create credit reports based on that information, and lenders use the reports along with other details to determine loan applicants’ creditworthiness. A credit report is like a report card on how one manages their finances and gives a credit score based on their past credit history and behaviour. This report helps the lender to take a decision on granting of loan and also, on the rate of interest they should charge.
A credit score is a numerical expression based on a level analysis of a person’s credit files, to represent the creditworthiness of an individual. A credit score is primarily based on a credit report, information typically sourced from credit bureaus.
In India, there are four credit information companies licensed by Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited (CIBIL), Experian, Equifax and CRIF High Mark were given licenses by RBI to operate as Credit Information Companies in India.
All credit bureaus in India offer a credit score between 300 and 900, 900 being the highest. A credit score of 700 and above is considered as ideal.
Generally a credit report can be divided into the following parts:-
payments to an external collection agency.
RBI has notified that each customer of a credit institution should be provided one base level consumer Credit Information Report free of cost every year by each Credit Information Company.
However, any extra report will be at a cost. Cost of the extra report shall be as below:-
Credit Bureau | Cost of Report (Rs) |
CIBIL | 550 |
Equifax | 400 |
CRIF Highmark | 400 |
However, Experian is now providing free credit reports throughout the year.
No documents except the ones mentioned below are required to be submitted while applying for a credit report online. One may have to create a login account in the bureau’s website.
Credit Report Sought by | Acceptable Documents |
Individuals | Identity proof (pan card, voters ID) Address proof (Bank Statement, Electricity bill, Telephone bill, passport, driver’s license, Aadhar Card) |
Companies / Business Entities | Address proof in the company’s name (Bank Statement, Electricity bill, Telephone bill) |
Credit Reports provide information about which factors are affecting the credit score the most. These risk factors will help one understand the changes once can make to start improving the credit score. Given below are some tips one may follow in order to improve their credit score:-
Considering how important credit scores are for overall financial well-being, it is wise to do everything to ensure your credit score is as good as possible. Regularly checking your credit report and credit scores are the critical first step.